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  • Publication date: 09.07.1998.
  • Published on HRČAK: 17.07.2024.

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Characterization of torocyte endovesicles of human red blood cells

Aleš Iglič, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Henry Hagerstrand, Malgorzata Bobrowska-Hagerstrand, Boris Isomaa, Katarzyna Bialkowska
Original scientific paper

The finite element analysis of horizontal wire buried in a lossy ground

Branislav Jajac, Dragan Poljak
Original scientific paper

Finite element input impedance calculation of the loaded wire above an imperfect ground

Dragan Poljak, Branislav Jajac
Original scientific paper

Power system modelling for object-oriented power flow

Marko Delimar, Zdravko Hebel, Ivica Pavić
Original scientific paper

Mathematical model for durability design of reinforced concrete structures

Dubravka Bjegović, Vedrana Krstić, Dunja Mikulić, Jure Radić, Vinko Čandrlić
Original scientific paper

EUROCODE 8 and structural analysis methods and models

Jorge de Brito, Mario Lopes
Original scientific paper

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