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Liječnički vjesnik , Vol. 146 No. 11-12, 2024.

  • Publication date: 22.01.2025.
  • Published on HRČAK: 27.01.2025.

Table of contents

Full text

ČESTITKA-2025. (page 383-384)

Željko Krznarić

Uvodna riječ (page 385-385)

Jasminka Peršec

End of life care – out and about (page 387-390)

Davorka Židak, Jasminka Peršec
Professional paper

Odlučivanje o kraju života i palijativna skrb u kirurškim odjelima intenzivnog liječenja (page 391-396)

Polona Gams, Anja Kramarič Lozar, Primož Gradišek, Maja Šoštarič
Professional paper

Ahalazija komplicirana obostranom pneumonijom i sepsom (page 397-402)

Jelena Isaković, Ivana Spasojević, Stanislava Petrović, Ivan Ergelašev, Branislava Jorović, Dajana Lendak
Professional paper

Delayed presentation of subclavian artery pseudoaneurysm after polytrauma with left clavicle and brachial plexus injury (page 403-406)

Mirela Dobrić, Goran Sabo, Ana Miletić, Stjepan Dokuzović, Tomislav Krpan, Tatjana Beker, Morana Banić, Romana Hodalin Vidović
Professional paper

Massive obstetric hemorrhage: A Narrative Review (page 407-412)

Sandro Glumac, Mate Perković, Neven Elezović
Review article

The influence of anesthesia on surgical stress response (page 413-418)

Marcela Čučković, Jasminka Peršec
Review article

The effect of fluid therapy on endothelial dysfunction in critically ill patients (page 419-428)

Lea Cofek, Antea Kršek, Božena Ćurko-Cofek, Tanja Batinac, Banijel Knežević, Vlatka Sotošek, Lara Batičić
Review article

Albumins – the gray zone of indications (page 429-436)

Tamara Murselović, Sanja Berić, Višnja Nesek Adam, Ante Penavić, Vesna Ćosić, Blaženka Miškić
Review article

Vazopresori i inotropi u sepsi (page 437-443)

Radmilo Janković, Milena Stojanović
Professional paper

Karolina Milobar – the first licensed female doctor and the first female author on the pages of Liječnički vjesnik (page 444-452)

Stella Fatović Ferenčić, Željko Krznarić
Professional paper

The conclusions of the 2nd Croatian Symposium of Disaster Medicine. I. Specifics of management and leadership, causes and consequences of disasters (page 453-454)

Nenad Karanović, Marinko Ogorec, Marta Zorko, Branka Ivančan-Picek, Zvonko Orehovec, Alenko Ribić, Damir Ivan Anić, Robert Mikac, Josip Žunić
Letter to the Editor

The project of introducing robot-assisted surgery at University Hospital Split (page 455-457)

Zdravko Perko, Radoslav Stipić, Julije Meštrović, Dario Pečenković, Marija Ana Perko
Letter to the Editor

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