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  • Publication date: 01.04.1997.
  • Published on HRČAK: 12.12.2008.

Table of contents

Full text

Solidarity and Subsidiarity as Bases of Social Market Economy (page 339-348)

Ivan Šarić
Original scientific paper

Solidarity in the Teaching of John Paol II. (page 349-355)

Rebeka Anić
Review article

Manifestations of the Spirit of Solidarity Among Franciscans (page 357-365)

Špiro Marasović
Preliminary communication

Croatia as a Welfare State:A Year After (page 367-389)


Reform of the Pension System in Poland:Security Trough Diversity (page 391-399)

Siniša Zrinščak
Review article

Social Security: The Necessary Solidarity (page 401-411)

Alain Euzéby

Internatioal Conference on Aging in Mediteranien Countries (page 423-425)

Marijan Pokrajčić, Ana Balaband, Mladen Havelka

Vlado Puljiz: Western Social Reforms:From Charity to Welfare State (page 427-428)

Dušan Milinković
Case report

Jochen Clasen (ed.): Social Insurancein Europe (page 428-431)

Gojko Bežovan
Case report

Srna Mandič:Housing and State (page 432-434)

Gojko Bežovan
Case report

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