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Građevinar , Vol. 61 No. 03., 2009.

  • Publication date: 23.04.2009.
  • Published on HRČAK: 25.05.2009.

Table of contents

Full text

Slab damage detection by comparing curvature of relevant deflection areas (page 231-241)

Ivana Štimac Grandić, Ante Mihanović, Ivica Kožar
Original scientific paper

Machine hall and well at Zagreb botanic garden (page 243-250)

Nataša Jakšić, Zlatko Karač
Original scientific paper

Possibilities of using GPR in the analysis of pavement structures (page 251-259)

Marko Ožbolt, Tatjana Rukavina, Ivica Stančerić
Professional paper

Testing aerodynamic properties of road windscreens (page 261-268)

Hrvoje Kozmar, Lorenzo Procino, Alessandra Borsani, Gianni Bartoli
Professional paper

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