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  • Publication date: 13.06.2006.
  • Published on HRČAK: 05.07.2006.

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Full text

Comparison of 864 MHz and 935 MHz Microwave Radiation Effects on Cell Culture (page 149-154)

Ivan Pavičić, Ivančica Trošić, Antonio Šarolić
Original scientific paper

Assessment of the Radioprotective Effects of Amifostine and Melatonin on Human Lymphocytes Irradiated with Gamma-Rays In Vitro (page 155-163)

Nevenka Kopjar, Slavica Miočić, Snježana Ramić, Mirta Milić, Tomislav Viculin
Original scientific paper

226Ra Removal Processes in Croatian Water Facilities (page 165-170)

Maja Bronzović, Gordana Marović
Original scientific paper

Implementation of the EU Council Directive 96/29/EURATOM in Industry (page 181-184)

Helena Janžekovič
Professional paper

Radiation Protection Performance Indicators at the Nuclear Power Plant Krško (page 185-188)

Helena Janžekovič
Professional paper

Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory at the Ruđer Bošković Institute (page 189-194)

Branko Vekić, Renata Ban, Saveta Miljanić
Professional paper

International Community efforts in Prevention of Nuclear Terrorism (page 195-199)

Boris Ilijaš
Professional paper

The Development of Health Care for Workers Through History (page 201-212)

Eugenija Žuškin, Jadranka Mustajbegović, Vlasta Dečković-Vukres, Marija Zavalić, Ana Bogadi-Šare, Dijana Poplašen-Orlovac, Alef Prokić, Marija Bubaš
Review article

The Importance of Exhaled Breath Condensate Analysis in Diagnostic a Lung Disease (page 213-227)

Ivana Maloča, Davor Plavec
Review article

Detekcija apoptoze (page 229-236)

Detection Apoptosis (page 229-236)

Vilim Žlender
Review article

Health Effects of Pyretrins and Pyrethroids (page 237-243)

Jelena Macan, Veda Marija Varnai, Rajka Turk
Professional paper

Report of the Poison Control Centre for the Period 1 November 2005 - 31 January 2006. (page 245-249)

Veda Marija Varnai, Jelena Macan, Rajka Turk
Professional paper

(page 250-254)


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