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  • Publication date: 16.12.2011.
  • Published on HRČAK: 23.12.2011.

Table of contents

Full text

Tendencies of development inequalities of Croatian counties (page 269-290)

Nada Karaman Aksentijević, Zoran Ježić
Original scientific paper

Budget spending and economic growth in Croatia - Dynamics and relathionships over the past two decades (page 291-331)

Ivo Sever, Saša Drezgić, Helena Blažić
Original scientific paper

From political capitalism to clientelist capitalism? The case of Croatia (page 355-372)

Vladimir Cvijanović, Dens Redžepagić
Preliminary communication

Dynamics of market orientation in Croatian economy (page 373-394)

Bruno Grbac, Ivana First
Preliminary communication

From the impossible monetary trinity towards economic depression (page 395-422)

Stjepan Zdunić
Preliminary communication

The system of sports financing and management in the Republic of Croatia (page 443-464)

Sanela Škorić, Zlatko Hodak
Preliminary communication

Changes in the competitive advantages of Croatia’s manufacturing industry (page 465-487)

Heri Bezić, Ljerka Cerović, Tomislav Galović
Review article

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