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  • Publication date: 20.08.2011.
  • Published on HRČAK: 28.09.2012.

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Effective numbers of electrons as a criterion of carbon suitability as a hemosorbent (page 27-37)

Mogely Khubutiya, Boris Grafov, Mikhail Goldin, Alexei Davydov, Vladimir Kolesnikov, Mark Goldin
Original scientific paper

External control of anodic dissolution mechanisms of 100Cr6 in nitrate/chloride mixed electrolytes (page 39-54)

Andreas Lesch, Gunther Wittstock, Chris Burger, Benjamin Walther, Jurgen Hackenberg
Original scientific paper

Removal of arsenic and COD from industrial wastewaters by electrocoagulation (page 55-65)

S. Zodi, O. Potier, C. Michon, H. Poirot, G. Valentin, J.P. Leclerc, Francois Lapicque
Original scientific paper

Preparation of mesoporous carbon/polypyrrole composite materials and their supercapacitive properties (page 67-73)

W.J Zou, S.S. Mo, S.L. Zhou, T.X. Zhou, N.N. Xia, D.S. Yuan
Original scientific paper

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