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  • Publication date: 15.09.1996.
  • Published on HRČAK: 06.05.2013.

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Full text

Profesor Jens Jorgen Pindborg (page 171-172)

Berislav Topić
In memoriam, Obituary

Dental Identification of Victims of the War in Croatia (page 173-179)

Hrvoje Brkić, Davor Strinović, Josip Čadež, Stjepan Gusić, Mario Šlaus
Original scientific paper

Investigation of the Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Four Different Types of Phosphat Investment Materials (page 181-187)

Dragutin Komar, Biserka Lazić, Adnan Ćatović, Tomislav Ivaniš, Ivo Baučić
Original scientific paper

Determination of Electrolyte Concentration in Saliva by Potentiometrie Method (page 189-195)

Vlatko Rumenjak, Stjepan Milardović, Ljubica Vranić, Ivan Kruhak, Zdravko Rajić
Original scientific paper

Doses of Fluorides in the Prevention of Caries (page 197-200)

Kata Rošin-Grget, Ileana Linčir
Review article

The Role of Oral Hygiene in the Preservation of Prosthetic Restorations (page 201-205)

Melita Valentić-Peruzović
Review article

Guided Tissue Regeneration in the Reconstructive Periodontal Surgery (page 207-214)

Ksenija Jorgić-Srdjak, Darije Plančak, Karmen Potočki-Tukša
Review article

Epidemiologic Examination of the Condition of the First Permanent Molars in Adolescents (page 215-221)

Dora Najžar-Fleger, Ljiljana Valentak
Professional paper

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