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Biochemia Medica , Vol. 23 No. 2, 2013.

  • Publication date: 15.06.2013.
  • Published on HRČAK: 12.06.2013.

Table of contents

Full text

Biochemia Medica has started using the CrossCheck plagiarism detection software powered by iThenticate (page 139-140)

Vesna Šupak Smolčić, Ana-Maria Šimundić

Concentration and content (page 141-142)

Xavier Fuentes-Arderiu

The Chi-square test of independence (page 143-149)

Mary L. McHugh
Review article

How do we handle self-plagiarism in submitted manuscripts? (page 150-153)

Vesna Šupak Smolčić, Lidija Bilić-Zulle

Pharmacogenetics and personalized treatment of type 2 diabetes (page 154-171)

Sabina Semiz, Tanja Dujic, Adlija Causevic
Review article

Copeptin and its potential role in diagnosis and prognosis of various diseases (page 172-190)

Lidija Dobša, Kido Cullen Edozien
Review article

Critical review and meta-analysis of spurious hemolysis in blood samples collected from intravenous catheters (page 193-200)

Giuseppe Lippi, Gianfranco Cervellin, Camilla Mattiuzzi
Original scientific paper

Avoidance to wipe alcohol before venipuncture is not a source of spurious hemolysis (page 201-205)

Gian Luca Salvagno, Elisa Danese, Gabriel Lima-Oliveira, Gian Cesare Guidi, Giuseppe Lippi
Original scientific paper

The effects of transport by pneumatic tube system on blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation and coagulation tests (page 206-210)

Fatma Emel Koçak, Mustafa Yöntem, Özlem Yücel, Mustafa Çilo, Özlem Genç, Ayfer Meral
Original scientific paper

Diagnostic accuracy of UriSed automated urine microscopic sediment analyzer and dipstick parameters in predicting urine culture test results (page 211-217)

Kağan Huysal, Yasemin U. Budak, Ayse Ulusoy Karaca, Murat Aydos, Serdar Kahvecioğlu, Mehtap Bulut, Murat Polat
Original scientific paper

Incorrect order of draw could be mitigate the patient safety: a phlebotomy management case report (page 218-223)

Gabriel Lima-Oliveira, Giuseppe Lippi, Gian Luca Salvagno, Martina Montagnana, Geraldo Picheth, Gian Cesare Guidi
Review article

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