Original scientific paper
Influence of gender, breastfeeding and month of birth on the frequency of respiratory infections and asthma
Marija Čatipović
Slavica Bogeljić
The research has been conducted by monitoring and processing the data on upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis and asthma in 176 children, treated in the Specialist Pediatric Practice of Marija Čatipović, MD and Specialist Pediatric Practice of Slavica Bogeljić, MD. The data has been collected from the child birth to its fourth year of age. The influence of gender, breastfeeding and month of birth on the frequency and recurrence of the above mentioned diseases has been analyzed. Diagnosis of obstructive bronchitis and asthma has been made more often in male respondents (p=0,043). During a calendar year, children who weren't breastfed have had on average 2,6 upper respiratory tract infections, and the breastfed children, depending on the duration of breastfeeding, have had 2,7-3,2 infections per year. Bronchitis was diagnosed in 54,54% of children who weren't breastfed and in 50,00% - 61,76% of breastfed children (p=0,406). In children who weren't breastfed the bronchitis episode frequency was 0,5 disease episodes during one calendar year, in breastfed children 0,5-0,7 episodes depending on the duration of breastfeeding (p=0,441). Obstructive bronchitis and asthma were diagnosed in 18,18% of children who weren't breastfed and in 15,78%- 29,41% of breastfed children (p=0,236), along with slightly higher frequency of disease episodes in breastfed children (p=0,441). The greatest number of upper respiratory tract infections were diagnosed in children bom in December and May, the greatest number of bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis and asthma - in children bom in August. The children bom in December and May had the greatest number of bronchitis recurrences, and the greatest number of obstructive bronchitis and asthma recurrences - children born in May and July. According to child's month of birth the positive ranking correlation has been confirmed for the relation between the average number of upper respiratory tract infections and the frequency of bronchitis recurrence (Ro=0,75; t=3,64), as well as for the relation between bronchitis and obstructive bronchitis, i.e. asthma (Ro=0,52; t=l,95). Protective effect of mother's milk on the frequency of upper respiratory tract infections, on development and frequency of obstructive bronchitis recurrence, i.e. asthma during the first four years in the life of a child has not been confirmed. The paper discussed the possibility of allergen transmission via breast milk of atopic mothers. The greatest number of bronchitis recurrences in children bom in December and May has been explained with sequence/cycle of winter-spring dynamics of upper respiratory tract infections. The authors connect high frequency of obstructive bronchitis and asthma in August with the weed pollen exposure (blooming of ambrosia).
Asthma; Breastfeeding; Gender, Month of birth; Respiratory infections
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