Croatica Chemica Acta, Vol. 36 No. 3, 1964.
Short communication, Note
The Preparation of Sodium Perchlorate Labelled with Chlorine-36
M. Vlatković
; Institute »Ruder Boškovic«, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia
R . Despotović
; Institute »Ruder Boškovic«, Zagreb, Croatia, Yugoslavia
In order to investigate the effect of perchlornte ion on the thyroid glancP
it was 111ecessary to rprepare 36 ~ 1 labelled sodium rperchlornte. The solution of 36Cl in the form of 4.5 ml. 2.1 N hydrochloric acid, with specific activity ca. 120 μc/g Cl obtained from Amernham (Code CIS. 1) was avadlable as the source of radiochlorine. With regard to the experimental results of Izgaryshev et al. 2 radioactive perchlorate was prepared by anodic oxydatio111 of Ca36 Cl 2 •
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