Original scientific paper
Music terminology in Croatian pre-standard dictionaries
Marijana Horvat
; Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics, Zagreb
Although some research on Croatian music terminology in old Croatian dictionaries has already been conducted (e.g. papers by the musicologist Stanislav Tuksar Croatian music terminology in Blago jezika slovinskoga (1649–1651) by Jakov Mikalja, 1980, Baroque Croatian music terminology: terminology of instruments and instrumental music in dictionaries printed between 1649 and 1742, 1992), this paper has a different approach and focuses on linguistic aspects of music terminology in pre¬standard dictionaries. Thus, the data is analyzed according to linguistic features mainly focusing on the phonological and word¬formation features of the selected examples. The origin of the terms and the ways of adaptation of foreign terms are analyzed as well as the occurrence of certain terms and their status in the language of writers (on the bases of the comparison with tokens from Rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskoga jezika JAZU). The analysis focuses on the polysemy of general language words and metaphorization, e.g. the terminologization of general language words in certain contexts (e.g. udarati u egede). The research is based on these dictionaries: Dictionarium quinque nobilissimarum Europae linguarum, latinae, italicae, germanicae, dalmaticae et ungaricae (1595) by Faust Vrančić, Blago jezika slovinskoga (1649/1651) by Jakov Mikalja, manuscript dictionary Vocabolario di tre nobilissimi linguaggi, italiano, illirico e latino (the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries) by Ivan Tanzlingher Zanotti, Dizionario italiano, latino, illirico (1728) by Ardelio Della Bella, Svašta po malo iliti kratko složenje imena i riči u ilirski i njemački jezik (1761) by Blaž Tadijanović, and Ričoslovnik (Vocabolario – Wörterbuch) illiričkoga, italijanskoga i nimačkoga jezika (1803) by Josip Voltić. A brief commentary 454 Rasprave 44/2 (2018.) str. 437–454 on the manuscript dictionary Dictionarium Latino-Illyricum et Germanicum (between 1772 and 1779) by Adam Patačić is presented in a separate chapter. The aim of the research is to contribute to the comprehension of the development of Croatian music terminology and to study the continuity of the Croatian prestandardization music terminology.
Croatian pre-standard dictionaries; Croatian music terminology
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