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In memoriam, Obituary

In Memoriam Prof. Petrica Novosel-Žic, Ph.D.

Aleksandar Toskić ; Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Geografski odsjek Marulićev trg 19/II, Zagreb

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On 16 January 2021, at the age of ninety, long-term professor at the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb,
Prof. Petrica Novosel-Žic Ph.D., passed away peacefully in Zagreb. She was born on 13 May 1931, in Draga Bašćanska, on the island of Krk. This is another
of the recent sad moments in our small geographic academic community, marked over the past years by the passing of our colleagues and fellow scientists who
have permanently marked Croatian geography.


In Memoriam; Geography

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In Memoriam Prof. Petrica Novosel-Žic, Ph.D.

(Draga Bašćanska, 13 May 1931 – Zagreb, 16 January 2021)


On 16 January 2021, at the age of ninety, long-term professor at the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Prof. Petrica Novosel-Žic Ph.D., passed away peacefully in Zagreb. She was born on 13 May 1931, in Draga Bašćanska, on the island of Krk. This is another of the recent sad moments in our small geographic academic community, marked over the past years by the passing of our colleagues and fellow scientists who have permanently marked Croatian geography.

Professor Novosel-Žic was the first woman in Croatia to receive a doctorate in geography. She has woven her recognizable threads into Croatian geography. She held a number of prominent positions in the Croatian Geographical Society, was the head of the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Science, the head of the Institute of Regional Geography and Methodology, and the head of the Cartographic Collection at the Department. Her rich scientific and professional activity is reflected in numerous scientific and professional papers and participation in national and international conferences and scientific events.

She attended primary school in Rab and Punat, lower secondary school in Krk and Novi Vinodolski, and graduated as a teacher in Rijeka in 1951. After that, she served as a teacher in Gorski Kotar until 1954. She graduated in 1959 from the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, obtaining her master's degree in 1970 and her doctorate in 1978. She remained attached to the Department of Geography for almost her entire working life – from the beginning in 1961 when she was elected an associate assistant, followed by her scientific and teaching career when she was elected assistant professor in 1979, until her retirement in 1999 as a professor. She further studied in Switzerland in 1970, where, as an OECD Fellow, she spent six months at the Technische Hochschule in Zurich researching the migrations of workers from the former Yugoslavia. As part of a university teacher exchange, she gave lectures on tourism issues at the universities of Moscow and Kiev. She participated and partly organized numerous study visits to countries throughout Europe, many regions of the former USSR, Mongolia, China, North America, some countries in South America and the Atlantic. She was a member of the editorial board of the scientific journals Radovi Geografskog odsjeka (today Acta Geographica Croatica) and the Bilten Savjeta za daljinska istraživanja of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She was included in the 1982 edition of “The World Who’s Who of Women”. She mentored numerous graduate, master's and doctoral theses.

Her connection with the island of Krk is reflected in her scientific research, with her love and dedication to the island permanently recorded through her doctoral dissertation and published book "Otok Krk od trajekta do mosta", as well as through a number of scientific and professional articles. The Professor's significant scientific and professional contribution is also evident in her cartographic works, especially those related to prominent Croatian cartographers of the 16th and 17th centuries, with special emphasis on her papers on Stjepan Glavač and his 1673 map of Croatia. In the regional geographical context, the Professor wrote about the area of the former Soviet Union and about India in a special edition of the “Širom Svijeta” collection. She collaborated on the following scientific projects: Yugoslav Workers Abroad, Central Settlements and Cities of Croatia, Tourism and Recreation and Urbanization of Croatia.

Almost her entire working life, with her attitude towards her colleagues and associates, self-effacing as she was, she always provided support, taking on many responsibilities, always calm and gentle, compassionate and sensitive, so that her colleagues, and her students in particular, perceived her as someone close and dear to them, while at the same time appreciating her as a teacher imparting geographical knowledge to them in order to enable them to act independently and sovereignly in their professional, scientific and social environment.

My first experience of the Professor was as a student, primarily through the courses she taught at the time: Cartography and Regional Geography of Russia at the undergraduate and Thematic Presentation in Physical Planning at the postgraduate studies at the Department of Geography of the Faculty of Science. Later, as a research novice at the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Science, I had the opportunity to get to know the Professor better through cooperation in working in the exercises associated with her course – Cartography. She always emphasized the importance of cartography in the education and scientific research work of geographers. The Professor was always ready to help me, a younger inexperienced colleague, with advice and a friendly word, making herself in my eyes the first and true lady of Croatian geography.

Our dear Professor was buried in Punat on her island of Krk, an island she loved so much, which she diligently and arduously researched and meticulously knew. I remember, when as an assistant at the Department of Geography I participated in the fieldwork led by the Professor, how I listened with her students to her extremely interesting comments on the geographical features of her native island. Miniatures of special moments, experiences and emotions remain recorded in my memory. I remember our arrival on the island, crossing the Krk Bridge on foot so that, as the Professor emphasized, we could experience the island with all our senses, including smell. From the cacophony of colours, sounds and tastes, the seductive scents of the aromatic herbs of our first entry into the island environment created in us a new harmony of the island symphony.

In our short human lives, there always are and remain people – beacons that illuminate and shed light on our path, remaining as signposts and foundations that make our lives richer. Dear Professor, thank you for being and remaining in mine, as well as in the lives of your closest family members and many younger and older geographers, that signpost, that solid foundation, the light that will forever remain in the traces of our lives. Throughout her life, the Professor built bridges connecting people like islands. And as the poet says: “But time moves / Like the sun in a circle, / And brings us again what was before: / Both joy, and sorrow.” Our dear Professor has gone to the island of her youth.

Let us share and keep in our memory the joy of having known the Professor and having had the opportunity to work with her.

Dear Professor, may you rest in peace in heavenly heights and in the eternal geography of our memory.

In Memoriam prof. dr. sc. Petrica Novosel-Žic

(Draga Bašćanska, 13. 5. 1931 – Zagreb, 16. 1. 2021)

U Zagrebu je 16. siječnja 2021. u devedesetoj godini preminula dugogodišnja profesorica Geografskog odsjeka PMF-a Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u miru prof. dr. sc. Petrica Novosel-Žic, rođena 13. svibnja 1931. godine u Dragi Bašćanskoj na otoku Krku. Nastavljaju se tako tužni trenutci za našu malu geografsku akademsku zajednicu u kojima nas tijekom godina napuštaju naše kolegice i kolege znanstvenici koji su trajno obilježili hrvatsku geografiju.

Profesorica Novosel-Žic bila je prva žena u Hrvatskoj koja je doktorirala u području geografije. Utkala je svoje prepoznatljive niti u hrvatsku geografiju. Obavljala je niz istaknutih funkcija u Hrvatskom geografskom društvu, bila je pročelnica Geografskog odsjeka PMF-a i predstojnica Zavoda za regionalnu geografiju i metodiku te voditeljica Kartografske zbirke na istome odsjeku. Njezina se bogata znanstvena i stručna djelatnost zrcali u mnogobrojnim znanstvenim i stručnim radovima te sudjelovanjima na domaćim i međunarodnim konferencijama i znanstvenim skupovima.

Osnovnu je školu pohađala u Rabu i Puntu, nižu gimnaziju u Krku i Novom Vinodolskom, a Učiteljsku školu završila je u Rijeci 1951. godine. Nakon toga službuje kao učiteljica u Gorskom kotaru do 1954. godine. Diplomirala je 1959. godine na Geografskom odsjeku Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a zatim magistrirala (1970) i doktorirala (1978). Uz Geografski odsjek ostala je vezana gotovo čitav svoj radni vijek - od početaka 1961. godine kada je izabrana u suradničko zvanje asistenta, preko svoje znanstveno-nastavne karijere kada je 1979. godine izabrana za docenticu, do svog umirovljenja 1999. godine kao profesorica. Znanstveno se usavršavala u Švicarskoj 1970. godine gdje je, kao stipendistica OECD-a, boravila šest mjeseci na Technische Hochschule u Zürichu istražujući migracije naših radnika. U okviru razmjene sveučilišnih nastavnika držala je predavanja iz turističke problematike na sveučilištima u Moskvi i Kijevu. Sudjelovala je i dijelom organizirala mnogobrojna studijska putovanja po zemljama Europe, mnogim regijama SSSR-a, Mongoliji, Kini, Sjevernoj Americi, nekim državama Južne Amerike te Atlantiku. Bila je članica uredništva znanstvenih časopisa Radovi Geografskog odsjeka (danas Acta Geographica Croatica) i Biltena Savjeta za daljinska istraživanja HAZU. Uvrštena je u ediciju “The World Who’s Who of Women”, Cambridge, 1982. Bila je mentorica brojnih diplomskih, magistarskih i doktorskih radova.

Njezina povezanost s otokom Krkom zrcali se i u njezinu znanstveno-istraživačkom radu pa ljubav i posvećenost otoku ostaje trajno zabilježena kroz njezinu doktorsku disertaciju te objavljenu knjigu “Otok Krk od trajekta do mosta”, kao i kroz niz znanstvenih i stručnih članaka. Značajni znanstveni i stručni doprinos profesorice očituje se i u njezinim kartografskim radovima, posebno onima vezanima uz istaknute hrvatske kartografe 16. i 17. stoljeća, pri čemu posebno valja istaknuti radove o Stjepanu Glavaču i njegovoj karti Hrvatske iz 1673. godine. U regionalno-geografskom kontekstu profesorica je pisala o prostoru bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza te o Indiji u okviru posebnog izdanja biblioteke Širom svijeta. Surađivala je na znanstvenim projektima: Jugoslavenski radnici u inozemstvu, Centralna naselja i gradovi Hrvatske, Turizam i rekreacija i Urbanizacija Hrvatske.

Gotovo cijeli radni vijek svojim je odnosom prema kolegama i suradnicima, samozatajna kakva je bila, uvijek pružala podršku preuzimajući pritom mnogobrojne obveze, uvijek smireno i blago, suosjećajno i tankoćutno, tako da su je kolege, a pogotovo studenti, doživljavali kao nekog sebi bliskog i dragog, a istovremeno je cijenili kao učitelja koji im prenosi geografska znanja kako bi mogli samostalno i suvereno djelovati u svom stručnom, znanstvenom i društvenom okruženju.

Profesoricu sam prvi puta doživio kao student, prvenstveno kroz kolegije koje je tada predavala: Kartografiju i Regionalnu geografiju Rusije na dodiplomskom i Tematsko predočivanje u prostornom planiranju i uređenju na poslijediplomskom studiju na Geografskom odsjeku PMF-a. Kasnije sam kao znanstveni novak na Geografskom odsjeku PMF-a imao prilike bolje upoznati profesoricu kroz suradnju u izvođenju vježbi vezanih uz njezin kolegij – Kartografiju. Uvijek je naglašavala značenje kartografije u obrazovanju i znanstveno-istraživačkom radu geografa. Profesorica je meni, mlađem neiskusnom kolegi, uvijek bila spremna pomoći savjetom i prijateljskom riječju učinivši sebe u mojoj percepciji prvom i pravom damom hrvatske geografije.

Naša je draga profesorica sahranjena u Puntu na svom otoku Krku, otoku koji je toliko voljela, koji je marljivo i vrijedno istraživala i minuciozno poznavala. Sjećam se, kada sam kao asistent na Geografskom odsjeku sudjelovao u izvođenju terenske nastave koju je vodila profesorica, kako sam zajedno sa studentima slušao njezine izuzetno zanimljive komentare geografskih posebnosti rodnog joj otoka. U sjećanju osobito ostaju zabilježene minijature posebnih trenutaka, doživljaja i osjećaja. Sjećam se našeg dolaska na otok, prelaska pješice preko Krčkog mosta kako bismo, kako je naglašavala profesorica, doživjeli otok svim osjetilima pa tako i mirisom. Zavodljivi mirisi aromatičnih trava našeg prvog ulaska u otočni svijet stvarali su u nama iz kakofonije boja, zvukova i okusa novi sklad otočne simfonije.

U našim kratkotrajnim ljudskim životima uvijek postoje i ostaju ljudi svjetionici koji svijetle i obasjavaju naš životni put ostajući kao putokazi i temelji koji čine i naš život bogatijim. Draga profesorice, hvala Vam što ste i u mojem, kao i u životima Vaših najbližih iz obitelji i mnogih mlađih i starijih geografa bili i ostali taj putokaz, taj čvrsti temelj, svjetlost koja će vječno ostati u tragovima naših života. Tijekom svoga života profesorica je gradila mostove spajajući ljude kao otoke. I kao što pjesnik kaže: “No vrijeme se kreće / Ko sunce u krugu, / I nosi nam opet ono što je bilo: / I radost, i tugu.”, otišla je naša draga profesorica na otok svoje mladosti.

Radost što smo je poznavali i imali priliku surađivati s profesoricom podijelimo zajedno i čuvajmo u našem sjećanju.

Draga profesorice, počivali u miru na nebeskim visinama i u vječnoj geografiji našega sjećanja.