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Book review

Knjige o kartografskim projekcijama besplatno na internetu

Nedjeljko Frančula

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Knjige o kartografskim projekcijama besplatno dostupne na internetu bile su tema jednog teksta u ovom časopisu još 2011. godine (Frančula 2011).
Pretražujući internet u rujnu 2020. naišli smo na još pet slobodno dostupnih knjiga o kartografskim projekcijama.


Kartografske projekcije; Besplatno dostupne

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Frančula N (2011) Books on Map Projections on the Internet / Knjige o kartografskim projekcijama na internetu.. Kartografija i geoinformacije, 10, 16, 144-145. ( 28.09.2020. )


UNB (2001) Lecture notes. Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada ( 29.09.2020. )


Zenodo (2020) About Zenodo. ( 30.09.2020. )

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Books on map projections which are available free of charge on the internet were the topic of an article in this journal as early as 2011 (Frančula 2011). During an internet search in September 2020, we found another five available books on map projections. Here are the bibliographic details for these books and links to the full texts.


  • Hradilek L, Hamilton A C (1973) Systematic Analysis of Distortions in Map Projections. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, (28 Sep 2020)

  • Krakiwskiy E J (1973) Conformal Map Projections in Geodesy. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada (28 Sep 2020)

  • Osborne P (2013) The Mercator Projections. Edinburgh, Zenodo, (28 Sep 2020)

  • Stem J E (1989) State Plane Coordinate System of 1983. NOAA Manual NOS NGS 5, National Geodetic Survey, Rockville, MD, (28 Sep 2020)

  • Thomson D B, Mephan M P, Steeves R R (1977). The Stereographic Double Projection. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, (28 Sep 2020)

Three of the five books found are textbooks from a well-known Canadian geodetic school, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick. These have been scanned from earlier printed editions and transformed into searchable documents. Another twenty teaching resources from the same school, published between 1971 and 2001, are available free of charge on the internet (UNB 2001).

Another publication, J. E. Stem: State Plane Coordinate System of 1983 has also been scanned from an earlier printed publication. According to the author, it provides all the necessary information on working with three conformal projections: Lambert conic, transverse Mercator and oblique Mercator. These three projections have been applied in several American states for geodetic surveys. States which extend in an east-west direction apply the Lambert conic projection, states which extend in a north-south direction apply the transverse Mercator projection, and only in Alaska is the oblique Mercator projection applied.

Osborne's The Mercator projections, as far as we know, was never published in printed form. The author placed it in the Zenodo repository for storing data, codes and other material required for research. The repository was created at CERN to allow all researchers free, easy access to scientific results, scientific data, software and publications, and so accellerate the scientific process in a non-commercial environment, making it accessible to a wide range of users (Zenodo 2020). In this e-book, most links lead to Wikipedia entries, where many concepts (for example, the geoid, geodetic date, UTM) are explained in detail.

Knjige o kartografskim projekcijama besplatno dostupne na internetu bile su tema jednog teksta u ovom časopisu još 2011. godine (Frančula 2011). Pretražujući internet u rujnu 2020. naišli smo na još pet slobodno dostupnih knjiga o kartografskim projekcijama. Navodimo bibliografske podatke za te knjige i poveznice na cjelovite tekstove.

  • Hradilek L, Hamilton A C (1973) Systematic Analysis of Distortions in Map Projections. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, (28 Sep 2020)

  • Krakiwskiy E J (1973) Conformal Map Projections in Geodesy. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada (28 Sep 2020)

  • Osborne P (2013) The Mercator Projections. Edinburgh, Zenodo, (28 Sep 2020)

  • Stem J E (1989) State Plane Coordinate System of 1983. NOAA Manual NOS NGS 5, National Geodetic Survey, Rockville, MD, (28 Sep 2020)

  • Thomson D B, Mephan M P, Steeves R R (1977) The Stereographic Double Projection. Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, (28 Sep 2020)

Tri od pronađenih pet knjiga nastavni su materijali poznatog kanadskog geodetskog visokog učilišta Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick. To su skenirani prethodno tiskani materijali i pretvoreni u pretražive dokumente. Još dvadeset nastavnih materijala tog geodetskog visokog učilišta, objavljenih od 1971. do 2001., besplatno je dostupno na internetu (UNB 2001).

Publikacija J. E. Stema: State Plane Coordinate System of 1983 također je skenirana prethodno tiskana publikacija. Prema riječima autora to je publikacija koja korisniku pruža sve potrebne informacije za rad s trima konformnim projekcijama: Lambertovom konusnom, poprečnom Mercatorovom i kosom Mercatorovom projekcijom. Te tri projekcije primijenjene su u pojedinim saveznim državama SAD-a za potrebe geodetske izmjere. Države izdužene u smjeru zapad – istok primjenjuju Lambertovu konusnu projekciju, države izdužene u smjeru sjever – jug poprečnu Mercatorovu projekciju, a jedino je u Aljasci primijenjena kosa Mercatorova projekcija.

Publikacija P. Osbornea: The Mercator projections, po našoj spoznaji, nije objavljena u tiskanom izdanju. Autor ju je uvrstio u repozitorij Zenodo. Zenodo je spremište (repozitorij) za pohranu podataka, kodova i bilo kojeg materijala nužnog u istraživanju. Stvoren je u CERN-u kako bi se svim istraživačima omogućio besplatan i lak pristup znanstvenim rezultatima, znanstvenim podacima, softveru i publikacijama i tako ubrzali znanstveni procesi u nekomercijalnom okruženju, čineći ga dostupnim širokom krugu korisnika (Zenodo 2020). To je e-knjiga u kojoj većina poveznica vodi na tekstove u Wikipediji gdje su mnogi pojmovi, npr. geoid, geodetski datum, UTM, detaljno objašnjeni.