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Marking the Release of a Special Issue of Cartography and Geoinformation on the 70th Birthday of Prof. Emer. Miljenko Lapaine

Martina Triplat Horvat
M Viličić ; Geodetski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Kačićeva 26, Zagreb

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The Croatian Cartographic Society in cooperation with the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb organized a ceremony mar­king the release of a special issue of Kartografija i geoinformacije / Cartography and Geoinformation (Vol. 21, No. izv. / spec.) on 1 February 2023, at the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb. A special edition of the journal Cartography and Geoinformation, whose editors are Assoc. Prof. Marina Viličić and Prof. Emer. Nedjeljko Frančula, was published in the printed edition in January 2023 on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Emer. Miljenko Lapaine, Croatian cartographer, respected member of the world cartographic community and award holder of the International Cartographic Society's ICA Honorary Fellowship.


Miljenko Lapaine; Cartography and Geoinformation; special issue

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Marking the Release of a Special Issue of Cartography and Geoinformation on the 70th Birthday of Prof. Emer. Miljenko Lapaine


The Croatian Cartographic Society in cooperation with the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb organized a ceremony marking the release of a special issue of Kartografija i geoinformacije / Cartography and Geoinformation (Vol. 21, No. izv. / spec.) on 1 February 2023, at the Faculty of Geodesy of the University of Zagreb. A special edition of the journal Cartography and Geoinformation, whose editors are Assoc. Prof. Marina Viličić and Prof. Emer. Nedjeljko Frančula, was published in the printed edition in January 2023 on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Emer. Miljenko Lapaine, Croatian cartographer, respected member of the world cartographic community and award holder of the International Cartographic Society's ICA Honorary Fellowship.

Prof. Emer. Miljenko Lapaine was born in Zagreb on 4 April 1952. He graduated in 1976 from the Faculty of Science of the University of Zagreb and received his PhD from the Faculty of Geodesy at the University of Zagreb in 1996. In 2009, he was elected to the position of permanent professor. In 2018, the Senate of the University of Zagreb appointed him to the honorary title of professor emeritus.

During his many years of scientific and teaching work, he published several internal scripts. He mainly dealt with the application of mathematics and computer science in geodesy and cartography and the history of cartography. He led a dozen scientific and professional projects, participated in about a hundred scientific and professional meetings, published more than 1,000 papers in proceedings and journals, he was the editor of about 15 monographs, catalogues, dictionaries and memorials, and the recipient of about 30 certificates of appreciation and awards.

His love for cartography is particularly highlighted by his activities in the Croatian Cartographic Society, of which he is the co-founder and first president, and in the International Cartographic Association. He was the long-term editor of the Cartography and Geoinformation journal published by the Croatian Cartographic Society. He organized a series of consultations that grew into international conferences on cartography and geoinformation. Although he retired in the fall of 2017, Prof. Emer. Lapaine is still an active president of the Croatian Cartographic Society, writing and publishing about cartography, geodesy and geoinformation.

Prof. Emer. Lapaine’s comprehensive biography can be read in a special issue of the Cartography and Geoinformation journal, which is available on the website of the Croatian Cartographic Society ( and on the website of the Croatian scientific and professional journals Hrčak ( The main content of that issue are papers listed inTable 1.

Table 1. Contents of the Cartography and Geoinformation special issue / Tablica 1. Sadržaj posebnog broja Kartografije i geoinformacija

The celebration consisted of the introductory words by Assoc. Prof. Marina Viličić and two very informative and interesting lectures:

D. Mlinarić and P. Plantosar: The role of foreigners in the development of pre-modern cartography of Croatian countries: the example of the Lazarus Secretarius map.

M. Lapaine: Artificial intelligence and cartography.

The lecture was followed by socializing and a reception.

Obilježavanje izlaska posebnog broja časopisa Kartografija i geoinformacije u povodu 70. rođendana prof. emer. Miljenka Lapainea


Na Geodetskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1. veljače 2023., Hrvatsko kartografsko društvo u suradnji s Geodetskim fakultetom Sveučilišta u Zagrebu organiziralo je svečano obilježavanje izlaska posebnog broja časopisa Kartografija i geoinformacije / Cartography and Geoinformation (Vol. 21, No. izv. / spec.). Posebno izdanje časopisa Kartografija i geoinformacije, čiji su urednici doc. dr. sc. Marina Viličić i prof. emer. Nedjeljko Frančula, objavljeno je u tiskanom izdanju u siječnju 2023. u povodu 70. rođendana prof. emer. Miljenka Lapainea, hrvatskog kartografa, uvaženog člana svjetske kartografske zajednice i dobitnika priznanja Međunarodnog kartografskog društva ICA Honorary Fellowship.

Prof. emer. Miljenko Lapaine rođen je u Zagrebu 4. travnja 1952. Diplomirao je 1976. godine na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a doktorirao na Geodetskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 1996. godine. U zvanje redovitog profesora u trajnom zvanju izabran je 2009. godine. Senat Sveučilišta u Zagrebu imenovao ga je 2018. godine u počasno zvanje professor emeritus.

Tijekom svog dugogodišnjeg znanstveno-nastavnog rada objavio je nekoliko internih skripata, pretežno se bavio primjenom matematike i računalnih znanosti u geodeziji i kartografiji, poviješću kartografije, vodio je desetak znanstvenih i stručnih projekata, sudjelovao je na stotinjak znanstveno-stručnih skupova, objavio je više od 1000 radova u zbornicima radova i časopisima, bio je urednik 15-ak monografija, kataloga, rječnika i spomenica te dobitnik 30-ak zahvalnica i priznanja.

Njegova ljubav prema kartografiji posebno se ističe djelovanjem u Hrvatskom kartografskom društvu, čiji je suosnivač i prvi predsjednik, te u Međunarodnom kartografskom društvu. Bio je dugogodišnji urednik časopisa Kartografija i geoinformacije kojeg izdaje Hrvatsko kartografsko društvo. Organizirao je niz savjetovanja koja su prerasla u međunarodne konferencije o kartografiji i geoinformacijama. Iako je od jeseni 2017. godine u mirovini, prof. emer. Lapaine i dalje je aktivan predsjednik Hrvatskog kartografskog društva, piše i objavljuje na temu kartografije, geodezije i geoinformacija.

Sveobuhvatan životopis prof. emer. Lapainea može se pročitati u posebnom broju časopisa Kartografija i geoinformacije, koji je dostupan na internetskim stranicama Hrvatskoga kartografskog društva ( i na internetskim stranicama portala hrvatskih znanstvenih i stručnih časopisa Hrčak ( Glavni sadržaj tog broja časopisa čine članci utablici 1.

Prilikom obilježavanja izlaska posebnog broja časopisa nakon uvodnih riječi doc. dr. sc. Marine Viličić održana su dva veoma poučna i zanimljiva predavanja:

D. Mlinarić i P. Plantosar: Uloga stranaca u razvoju predmoderne kartografije hrvatskih zemalja: primjer karte Lazarusa Secretariusa.

M. Lapaine: Umjetna inteligencija i kartografija.

Nakon predavanja slijedilo je druženje uz prigodni domjenak.