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Student journal of literature, literary and cultural theory k.

logo Student journal of literature, literary and cultural theory k.
  • Status in HRČAK: stopped issuing on HRČAK
  • ISSN 1334-0999 (Tisak)
  • Contact: Klub studenata komparativne književnosti K
    Filozofski fakultet u Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
    Ivana Lučića 3, 10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
    tel. +385 (0)1 6120 030
    fax. +385 (0)1 6156 879
  • Email:
  • Publisher:
    Student Club of Comparative Literature K
    Ivana Lučića 3, 10 000 Zagreb
    University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
    Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb

Student journal of literature, literary and cultural theory k. includes both translations of relevant texts by foreign authors and authors' texts by students, belonging to the complex interdisciplinary field of contemporary literary and cultural theory. So far, some issues were devoted to the Center for Cultural Studies in Birmingham, feminist criticism, literary and theoretical approaches to trauma, testimony and historiography, contemporary trends in theatrological Regularl and research, etc.

  • Peer review: editorial peer review
  • First year of publication: 2002.
  • Frequency (annually): 1
  • Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Literature, Humanities
  • Date added to HRČAK: 18.07.2012.
  • Rights: Full text articles of this journal can be used free for personal or educational purposes while respecting authors' rights of authors and publishers.