- Status in HRČAK: active
ISSN 1332-4853 (Tisak)
ISSN 1848-9109 (Online) -
UDK: 94
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22586/ss - Contact:
Hrvatski institut za povijest - Podružnica za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje
Ante Starčevića 8
35000 Slavonski Brod
tel.: 385 35 447 243
fax: 385 35 447 247 - Email: info@hipsb.hr
- URL: https://hipsb.hr/opce-informacije/casopis-scrinia-slavonica/
- Publisher:
Croatian Historical Institute - Department of History of Slavonia, Srijem and Baranja
Ante Starčevića 8, 35000 Slavonski Brod
- Guidelines for authors
- Guidelines for references
- Impressum
- Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
SCRINIA SLAVONICA, annual review of the Croatian Institute of History, Department for history of Slavonia, Srijem and Baranja, publishes contributions dealing with the history of North-Eastern Croatia, i.e. of the historical region of Slavonia (in the modern geographical sense of this term) with Srijem and the Croatian part of Baranja. The annual aims at establishing regional history of Slavonia as a meaningful frame for a productive historical research. It is open for publishing both in-depth research contributions and articles of synthesis or recapitulation, as well as editions of relevant source texts in limited selections. Besides that, a part of the annual's space is dedicated to works on broader theoretical or methodological issues, primarily those applicable to concrete regional research projects. Finally, through articles in translation and review articles it will be attempted to help Croatian historians in a continous following of historiographical processes and interesting events in Slavonia's neighbouring countries - Hungary, Serbia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina - because all of them constitute an area which was encompassed during past centuries by various structures of mutual connections and relationships, a consequence of this being an overlap between interests (while not necessarily a correspondence of results) of their respective modern historiographies, and therefore a need for communication, sharing of knowledge, cooperation, and well-founded dialogue. Manuscripts recived for publication in Scrinia Slavonica are reviewed by at least two referees under a double-blind peer review process, where both the referees and the authors are kept anonymous The editor of SCRINIA SLAVONICA is Stanko Andrić. Articles published in SCRINIA SLAVONICA are indexed in and available at: Historical Abstracts and Historical Abstracts with Full Text (EBSCOhost); European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH plus); Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL); Portal of Croatian Scientific Journals (HRČAK). Our call for papers is always open, and manuscripts are sent to the Editorial Board exclusively at the web address: https://hrcak.srce.hr/ojs/index.php/slavonica/index. In case of problems, authors can contact the Editorial Board via email.
- Peer review: peer review, national peer review, all papers, double blind review, double
- First year of publication: 2001.
- Frequency (annually): 1
- Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: History, Humanities
- Date added to HRČAK: 18.01.2007.
- Rights: The full text of articles published in this journal can be used free of charge for personal and educational purposes while respecting authors and publishers copyrights. For commercial purposes no part of this journal my be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher. Annual subscription fee abroad: 15€, in Croatia 80 KN + VAT.