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Journal Speleolog is published by the Speleological department CMS Željezničar and SC Željezničar. Journal publishes expert speleological articles and articles from related sciences (geology, geomorphology, hydrology, biospeleology, archeology, paleontology, etc.), speleological exploration and expedition results, review and popular scientific articles, various essays, interviews and the In memoriam column.

  • Peer review: editorial peer review
  • First year of publication: 1953.
  • Frequency (annually): 1
  • Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Geography, Archeology, Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences, Biology, Geology, Natural Sciences
  • Date added to HRČAK: 28.08.2018.
  • Rights: Speleolog is an open access journal. The content of the magazine is entirely free of charge. Users can distribute and copy the material and modify, transform or process the material as long as the original is quoted appropriately.