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Engineering Review : International journal for publishing of original researches from the aspect of structural analysis, materials and new technologies in the field of mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, fundamental engineering sciences, computer sciences, electrical engin

logo Engineering Review : International journal for publishing of original researches from the aspect of structural analysis, materials and new technologies in the field of mechanical engineering, shipbuilding,  fundamental engineering sciences, computer sciences, electrical engin

Indexed / Abstracted in: Aluminum Industry Abstracts, Advanced Polymers Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstract (CSA), Ceramic Abstracts/World Ceramics Abstracts, Composites Industry Abstracts, Computer and Information Systems Abstracts, Copper Technical Reference Library, Corrosion Abstracts, Electronics and Communications Abstracts, Engineered Materials Abstracts, High Technology Research Database with Aerospace, Inspec, Mechanical & Transportation Engineering Abstracts, METADEX, SCImago, SCOPUS, Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index)

  • Peer review: peer review, international peer review, only scientific papers, single blind review, double
  • First year of publication: 1970.
  • Frequency (annually): 3
  • Scientific disciplines and subdisciplines: Chemical Engineering
  • Date added to HRČAK: 14.07.2008.
  • Rights: Engineering review uses the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 International License. The authors are allowed to post a digital file of the published article, or the link to the published article (Enginering Review web page) may be made publicly available on websites or repositories, such as the Author’s personal website, preprint servers, university networks or primary employer’s institutional websites, third party institutional or subject-based repositories, and conference websites that feature presentations by the Author(s) based on the published article, under the condition that the article is posted in its unaltered Engineering Review form, exclusively for non-commercial purposes.


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