Tanja Sušec
APA 6th Edition
Sušec, T. (2006). A hundred years ago, Dr. Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger, the famous Croatian paleontologist, published the results of his research on the existence of fossil man, homo Krapiniensis, in the book entitled Der diluviale Mensch von Krapina in Kroatien (Walkroff, Wiesbaden, 1906), now considered the first and most comprehensive presentation of fossil man.. Acta clinica Croatica, 45 (3), 291-291. Preuzeto s https://hrcak.srce.hr/15776
MLA 8th Edition
Sušec, Tanja. "A hundred years ago, Dr. Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger, the famous Croatian paleontologist, published the results of his research on the existence of fossil man, homo Krapiniensis, in the book entitled Der diluviale Mensch von Krapina in Kroatien (Walkroff, Wiesbaden, 1906), now considered the first and most comprehensive presentation of fossil man.." Acta clinica Croatica, vol. 45, br. 3, 2006, str. 291-291. https://hrcak.srce.hr/15776. Citirano 17.02.2025.
Chicago 17th Edition
Sušec, Tanja. "A hundred years ago, Dr. Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger, the famous Croatian paleontologist, published the results of his research on the existence of fossil man, homo Krapiniensis, in the book entitled Der diluviale Mensch von Krapina in Kroatien (Walkroff, Wiesbaden, 1906), now considered the first and most comprehensive presentation of fossil man.." Acta clinica Croatica 45, br. 3 (2006): 291-291. https://hrcak.srce.hr/15776
Sušec, T. (2006). 'A hundred years ago, Dr. Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger, the famous Croatian paleontologist, published the results of his research on the existence of fossil man, homo Krapiniensis, in the book entitled Der diluviale Mensch von Krapina in Kroatien (Walkroff, Wiesbaden, 1906), now considered the first and most comprehensive presentation of fossil man.', Acta clinica Croatica, 45(3), str. 291-291. Preuzeto s: https://hrcak.srce.hr/15776 (Datum pristupa: 17.02.2025.)
Sušec T. A hundred years ago, Dr. Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger, the famous Croatian paleontologist, published the results of his research on the existence of fossil man, homo Krapiniensis, in the book entitled Der diluviale Mensch von Krapina in Kroatien (Walkroff, Wiesbaden, 1906), now considered the first and most comprehensive presentation of fossil man.. Acta clinica Croatica [Internet]. 2006 [pristupljeno 17.02.2025.];45(3):291-291. Dostupno na: https://hrcak.srce.hr/15776
T. Sušec, "A hundred years ago, Dr. Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger, the famous Croatian paleontologist, published the results of his research on the existence of fossil man, homo Krapiniensis, in the book entitled Der diluviale Mensch von Krapina in Kroatien (Walkroff, Wiesbaden, 1906), now considered the first and most comprehensive presentation of fossil man.", Acta clinica Croatica, vol.45, br. 3, str. 291-291, 2006. [Online]. Dostupno na: https://hrcak.srce.hr/15776. [Citirano: 17.02.2025.]