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Results of the Children's World Map Competition

Miljenko Lapaine

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cartography; children maps; International Cartographic Association

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Podaci na drugim jezicima: hrvatski

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Results of the Children's World Map Competition


Children's drawings submitted to the competition organized by the Croatian Cartographic Society


The theme of the competition was "A map of my future world". The commission composed of Prof. Emer. Miljenko Lapaine, Prof. Dr. Damir Medak and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivka Kljajić from the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb selected the six best children's drawings (Table 2). The drawings, together with the collected consents of the parents, were sent to Dr. Peter van der Krogt, the international coordinator. He collected 178 children's drawings from 32 countries, scanned them and set up a website where these works could be seen by all national coordinators who were invited to vote on the best one. The children's art works listed in Table 2 were exhibited at the exhibition of children's drawings as part of the 30th International Cartographic Conference in Florence, 14-18 December 2021.

The Barbara Petchenik Prize was launched by the International Cartographic Association (ICA) in 1993 in memory of Barbara Petchenik, the Association's vice president and cartographer who worked with maps and children all her life. Awards are given every two years during an international cartographic conference, preferably at least one for each continent, with special attention to the age of the child who created the artwork. The goals of the competition are to promote children's creative presentation of the world in graphic form, to improve their cartographic perception and perception of the environment. The competition in Croatia was conducted in 2021 by the Croatian Cartographic Society. 26 children's art works were submitted to the competition (Table 1).

Selected Croatian children's art works for the exhibition in Florence, 14-18 December 2021, sorted by alphabetical order of the author's surname

We should really do something, Pina Berka (14), OŠ Sućidar, Split

My healthy planet, Lara Franjković (13), Dugo Selo

A map of my future world, Oskar Grman (8), OŠ Eugen Kumičić, Rijeka

The planet of the future, by Magda Oswald (12), OŠ Frana Krste Frankopana, Osijek, won the 2nd place in the category from 9 to 12 years at the International Exhibition of Children's Drawgins in Florence, 14−18 December 2021

Slowly but surely towards a more beautiful planet, Matija Purić (9), OŠ Eugen Kumičić, Rijeka

Let us save the world, Korina Žiganto (14), OŠ Dr. Andrija Mohorovičić, Matulji

We thank all the competitors and their mentors who submitted their drawings to the competition. Congratulations to those who were chosen and whose art works were exhibited at the exhibition in Florence, 14−18 December 2021. Special congratulations to Magda Oswald and her mentor Ines Janevski from the Fran Krsto Frankopan Elementary School in Osijek. Magda won the 2nd place in the 9-12 age category for her Planet of the Future. Bravo!

You can still do a virtual tour of the exhibition ( All entries can be also viewed (

Children's maps exhibited at the previous international exhibitions are archived in the Archives and Research Collections at the Carleton University Library, Canada, and prepared for publication online (see

Rezultati natječaja za dječju kartu svijeta

Nagradu Barbara Petchenik pokrenulo je Međunarodno kartografsko društvo (International Cartographic Association - ICA) 1993. godine kao uspomenu na Barbaru Petchenik, dopredsjednicu toga društva i kartografkinju koja je cijeli život radila s kartama i djecom. Nagrade se dodjeljuju svake druge godine za vrijeme međunarodne kartografske konferencije, po mogućnosti barem jedna za svaki kontinent, s posebnom pažnjom posvećenom dobi djeteta koje je izradilo likovni rad. Ciljevi natjecanja su promoviranje dječjeg kreativnog prikazivanja svijeta u grafičkom obliku, poboljšanje njihove kartografske percepcije i percepcije okoline. Natjecanje u Hrvatskoj provelo je 2021. godine Hrvatsko kartografsko društvo. Na natječaj je stiglo 26 dječjih likovnih radova (Tablica 1).

Povjerenstvo u sastavu prof. emer. Miljenko Lapaine, prof. dr. sc. Damir Medak i doc. dr. sc. Ivka Kljajić s Geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu izabralo je šest najboljih dječjih likovnih radova na temu "Karta mojega budućeg svijeta" ( A map of my future world)(Tablica 2). Radovi su zajedno s prikupljenim suglasnostima roditelja poslani dr Peteru van der Krogtu, međunarodnom koordinatoru. On je prikupio 178 dječjih crteža iz 32 zemlje, skenirao ih i priredio web-stranicu na kojoj su te radove mogli vidjeti svi nacionalni koordinatori koji su bili pozvani da glasanjem predlože najbolje. Dječji likovni radovi navedeni u tablici 2 bili su izloženi na izložbi dječjih radova u sklopu 30. međunarodne kartografske konferencije u Firenci, 14-18. prosinca 2021.

Zahvaljujemo svim natjecateljima i njihovim mentorima koji su poslali radove na natječaj. Čestitamo onima koji su izabrani i čiji su likovni radovi bili izloženi na izložbi u Firenci, 14-18. prosinca 2021. Posebne čestitke zaslužuju Magda Oswald i njezina mentorica Ines Janevski iz Osnovne škole Fran Krsto Frankopan iz Osijeka. Magda je osvojila 2. mjesto u kategoriji od 9 do 12 godina za svoj Planet budućnosti ( The planet of the future). Bravo!

Virtualni obilazak izložbe moguć je na adresi Svi izlošci mogu se također pogledati na

Dječji likovni radovi koji su bili izloženi na prethodnim međunarodnim izložbama arhiviraju se u Arhivsko-istraživačkim zbirkama Knjižnice Sveučilišta Carleton u Kanadi (Archives and Research Collections at Carleton University Library) i pripremaju za objavljivanje na internetu (vidi