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Publication date: 2022
Volume: 21
Issue: 38
21st Birthday of the Croatian Cartographic Society
Miljenko Lapaine
; Geodetski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Kačićeva 26, Zagreb
On the 21st birthday of the Croatian Cartographic Society (CCS) on October 10, 2022, a map on the floor was officially opened in the new premises of the Croatian Cartographic Society at Međimurska 17 in Zagreb.
Croatian Cartographic Society; map on the floor; birthday
Posjeta: 801 *
On the 21st birthday of the Croatian Cartographic Society (CCS) on October 10, 2022, a map on the floor was officially opened in the new premises of the Croatian Cartographic Society at Međimurska 17 in Zagreb. At the ceremonial opening participated Damir Šantek, PhD, Director General of the State Geodetic Administration (SGA), Assoc. Prof. Rinaldo Paar, President of the Croatian Geodetic Society, Adam Agotić, President of the Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers, Prof. Damir Medak, Vice Dean for science and international cooperation of the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb, Assist. Prof. Mateo Gašparović, Vice Dean for finance of the Faculty of Geodesy, Dubravka Mlinarić, PhD, Martina Triplat Horvat, PhD, Marina Viličić, PhD, Marija Brajković, MSc and Igor Vilus, MEng.
The Director General of the SGA suggested that the SGA make a poster that would be stuck on the glass wall at the entrance to the CCS premises, M. Brajković offered to make a CCS board that would be placed in front of the CCS entrance, and D. Mlinarić offered to hold a lecture that she would hold together with her students for members of the CCS.
You can read more about the Croatian Cartographic Society in the paper "HKD U povodu 20. obljetnice/On the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary" published in the journal Kartografija i geoinformacije/Cartography and Geoinformation, 2022, vol. 21, no. 37, 87-99.
Na 21. rođendan Hrvatskoga kartografskog društva (HKD) 10. 10. 2022. Svečano je otvoren kartohod u novom prostoru Hrvatskoga kartografskog društva u Međimurskoj 17 u Zagrebu. Na svečanom otvorenju bili su dr. sc. Damir Šantek, glavni ravnatelj Državne geodetske uprave (DGU), izv. prof. dr. sc. Rinaldo Paar, predsjednik Hrvatskoga geodetskog društva, Adam Agotić, predsjednik Hrvatske komore ovlaštenih inženjera geodezije, prof. dr. sc. Damir Medak, prodekan za znanost i međunarodnu suradnju Geodetskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, izv. prof. dr. sc. Mateo Gašparović, prodekan za financije Geodetskog fakulteta, dr. sc. Dubravka Mlinarić, dr. sc. Martina Triplat Horvat, dr. sc. Marina Viličić, mr. sc. Marija Brajković i Igor Vilus, dipl. ing. geod.
Glavni ravnatelj DGU-a predložio je da DGU izradi plakat koji bi se zalijepio na staklenu stijenu na ulazu u prostor HKD-a, M. Brajković je ponudila izradu ploče HKD-a koja bi se stavila pred ulaz HKD-a, a D. Mlinarić je ponudila održavanje predavanja koje bi zajedno sa svojim studentima održala za članove HKD-a.
Više o Hrvatskom kartografskom društvu možete pročitati u članku "HKD U povodu 20. obljetnice / On the Occasion of its 20th Anniversary" objavljenom u časopisu Kartografija i geoinformacije, 2022, vol. 21, br. 37, 87-99.