Skoči na glavni sadržaj

Tehnički glasnik , Vol. 6 No. 2, 2012.

  • Datum izdavanja: 15.12.2012.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 07.01.2013.


Puni tekst

Horizontal press-baler with thrust force of 30 tons (str. 123-130)

Nikola Vlah, Franjo Maroević, Damir Mađerić
Stručni rad

Determining the surface cleanliness of metal and ceramic samples (str. 131-133)

Anita Štrkalj, Zoran Glavaš, Milan Sladojević
Stručni rad

The characterization of power plant pipe lines corrosion products (str. 134-136)

Vjera Novosel-Radović, Nikol Radović, Milka Balen
Pregledni rad

The examples of modified procedures of MIG/MAG welding (str. 137-140)

Marko Horvat, Veljko Kondić
Stručni rad

Reconstruction of an eccentric press (str. 141-144)

Božidar Hršak, Stjepan Golubić, Ivica Pogledić
Stručni rad

The assessment of the nodule count and nodularity in ductile iron castings by using thermal analysis (str. 145-150)

Zoran Glavaš, Anita Štrkalj, Franjo Kozina
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Creation of basic graphical elements for electrical engineering project documentation (str. 151-155)

Đuro Kukec, Željko Dušak
Stručni rad

Saving and exchanging data in the system of mobile platform managed by a microcontroller (str. 156-163)

Ivan Šumiga, Zoran Vrhovski, Tomislav Šalamunec
Stručni rad

Using SQL in the open source programmes (str. 164-170)

Ladislav Havaš, Matija Lesar
Stručni rad

The influence of low and high annealing on the hardness of steel EN 42CRMO4 (str. 171-177)

Dražen Živković, Igor Gabrić, Slaven Šitić
Stručni rad

Comparison of microstructural characteristics for biomedical Ti(70,80 at.%)-Cr-Mo AND Ti(70,80 at.%)-Nb-Zr alloys (str. 178-182)

Ljerka Slokar, Tanja Matković, Prosper Matković
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Reproducibility of energy absorption properties of aluminium foams (str. 183-186)

Krešimir Grilec, Vedran Bojanić
Izvorni znanstveni članak

Developing, constructing and testing a CNC milling machine (str. 187-190)

Božidar Hršak, Ante Čikić, Dejan Katić
Stručni rad

Statistical analysis of stretch film production process capabilities (str. 191-198)

Goran Kovačić, Živko Kondić
Stručni rad

Graditeljski spomenici prohujalih epoha i stilova (str. 207-212)

Mateja Ladišić
Stručni rad

Water losses in water supply system (str. 213-218)

Josip Užar
Stručni rad

Paperboard: from the production to the final use (str. 219-227)

Dario Petrić, Damir Vusić, Robert Geček
Stručni rad

Mutual relation between logistics and transportation systems (str. 228-232)

Krešimir Buntak, Davor Grgurević, Ivana Drožđek
Stručni rad

Comparison of flexography and digital roll labels printing (str. 233-239)

Antonio Zdelar, Marin Milković, Dean Valdec
Stručni rad

Application of finite elements method in civil engineering (str. 0-0)

Vladimir Mirković, Josip Užar
Stručni rad

Posjeta: 91.530 *