Publication Etics and Malpractice Statement

Editorial Board Responsibilities

  • The Editorial Bord of Povijesni Prilozi is committed to maintaining the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all possible measures against any publication malpractices.
  • The Editorial Board ensures the fair and unbiased review process for all submitted manuscripts, avoiding any conflict of interest.
  • The Editorial Board guards the confidentiality of the submitted manuscripts and protects the identity of reviewers.

Authors' Responsibilities

  • Authors must ensure that their work is entirely original and has not been submitted elsewhere for publication.
  • Authors must properly cite and acknowledge the sources of data used in the research.
  • All authors must have made significant contributions to the research presented in the manuscript and should be listed as co-authors. The submission of an individual or co-authored manuscript implies the consent of the author or co-authors with the submitted version of the manuscript as final.
  • Authors should notify the editor of any errors found in their submitted manuscript and cooperate with the editorial team to rectify these.

 Reviewers' Responsibilities

  • Reviewers must conduct the review process objectively and provide constructive feedback to improve the quality of the manuscript.
  • Reviewers should disclose any conflicts of interest and report any ethical concerns related to the manuscript.
  • Reviewers must keep the content of the manuscript and the review process confidential.

 Publisher's Responsibilities

  • The publisher is committed to supporting the integrity of the publication process and addressing any ethical concerns promptly.
  • The publisher ensures the accessibility of published content to the wider academic community and the public.

Adherence to Publication Standards:

The Editorial Board, authors, and reviewers of Povijesni prilozi (Historical Contributions) adhere to the guidelines provided by COPE . This commitment involves maintaining professional standards in academic publishing and research, as well as adhering to ethical guidelines throughout the research process. The goal is to support academic honesty, integrity, and transparency in all aspects of the publication process, contributing to the credibility and reputation of the journal.