Archives of the Diocese of Poreč and Pula in Poreč, Announcing the Archives


  • Branka Poropat


Archives of the Diocese of Poreč and Pula – Poreč, history of archival arrangement, history of the arrangement of the Archives, second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century


Based on the files of the Archives, in her paper the author brings basic information on the history of the organisation of records management, care and arrangement of archives of the Archives of the Diocese of Poreč and Pula, located in Poreč, from the middle of the 19th century, and more intensively from the middle of the 20th century until today. The paper is divided into four parts: 1. Introduction or some useful information, 2. Arrangement of the archives and organisation of the Archives – historical overview, 3. Usage of archives, 4. Current conditions – Announcing the Archives. In the first part the author gives information on the present-day seat of the Archives, expert staff and way of accessing the archives. The second, central part, deals with the historical overview of the organisation of the Archives, organisation of records management and care and arrangement of archives. The third part is dedicated to a number of users of archives recorded to date, the archives used by them and topics of their researches. The fourth part describes the current conditions of the work organisation in the Archives, in particular the fact that for the first time an expert member of the staff has been employed. The expert’s task is to systematize the work organisation of the Archives as an independent organizational unit within the Diocese of Poreč and Pula. This implies production of records, systematic arrangement and care of archives and work with the users of archives. Such systematization of the work organisation in the Archives and cataloguing of archives are one of the prerequisites of the transfer of archives from the current premises to the new premises, specially furnished to house the Archives.





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