Feudal »law book« of the Sv. Petar u Šumi abbey (1714)


  • Daniela Juričić-Čargo


In the introductory part, the A. presents the essential facts concerning the »law-book« and analyses its contents. It is a 19th century copy of a law-book approved in 1714. The copy is written in Italian. The document prescribes the impositions is an agreement between the abbey (the owneres the duties and obligations of the subjects, that were to be paid by subjects, but in reality it of lands) and its subjects. In 26 articles it specifiit establishes a legal order, the organization of lower judiciary system and administration within the possessions of the abbey. In art. 27 are the sanctions. The obligations are prescribed for the whole commune, and not for single subjects. The A. asserts that this »law-book« was approved at the beginning of the 18th century probably because it was then that costs for maintaining the abbey rose after it was damaged in the War of the Uskoks, and a new church was being built. In the text, duties and obligations are analyzed. Obligatory labour (vilainage service) was a rather heavy duty, because much of the land (so-called dominical lands) was not distributed among the subjects. Relations concerning the possession of lands are presented next (selling of real property and products of the land, use of woods and communal pasture-land), followed by civil and criminal administration of justice. After the Paulist Order was abolished, the possessions of the abbey were purchased by the Counts Montecuccoli, who ratified the »law-book« from 1714. The ratification agreement was signed in 1807, attached to the »law-book« and is here published together with the text of the main document.





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