Instruction for Authors


Preparation and Submission of Papers

As a rule, papers are published in the Croatian language, however contributions in the author's language are also accepted with the prior approval of the Editorial Board. Articles published in Croatian will regularly include a summary in English, while articles in other languages must contain a summary in Croatian. The material is published in the original language, and following a special decision of the Editorial Board, also translated into Croatian. The Editorial Board reserves the right to editorially adapt the manuscript to the Journal’s propositions and have them edited, as well as to have papers submitted in Croatian edited in accordance with the standards of the Croatian standard language.

Papers are subject to scientific classification, i.e. blind peer-review by two peer reviewers. The authors guarantee that the paper accepted for publication has not been published in any other publication and, when submitting the paper, must attach a statement that the paper has not been previously published. When submitting a paper, authors are required to fill out a Statement of Authorship.

By consenting to the publication, the authors grant the Journal the right of first publication, retaining the copyright for the published papers. The views and opinions of the authors do not reflect the views and opinions of the Editorial Board. Authors may submit a paper presented in a scientific conference in the form of an article stating general information about the conference (name, date and venue of the conference (to be specified in a footnote), provided that the article has not previously been published in the conference proceedings.

If an error or inaccuracy is noticed in the published work, the author must immediately inform the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal or the publisher. Furthermore, the author must cooperate with the Editor-in-Chief in order to publish a note of correction (errata corrige) or withdraw the paper from publication where necessary.

The authors of the papers shall receive one printed copy of the issue of Journal of the Istrian Archives in which their work was published.


Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form to the e-mail address of the Journal’s Editorial Board: Manuscripts should be no longer than 32 standard pages (60,000 keystrokes – characters with spaces), while reviews of books and magazines, reports and notes on scientific conferences and other interesting points related to the topic covered by the Journal should be no longer than 3–8 standard pages (5,500–14,500 keystrokes). Times Roman style fonts must be used. The font size of the body of the text should be 12 point with double spacing. The font size of the scientific apparatus (footnotes) should be 10 point with single spacing.

The paper should include an abstract of the article of 50 to 70 words in length and a summary of 250 to 350 words in length. Summaries are published in Italian and English. If the paper is printed in a foreign language, the summary in Croatian must be longer and more detailed (between 600 and 700 words). Keywords should be listed after the summary (up to 7 words).

Appendices (graphs, images, tables, etc.) must be prepared (in black and white) using one of the standard methods of computer generation. If appendices are obtained from another source (printed publications, archival material, etc.), the authors must provide permission.

First page must include the full name of the author, name and address of institution where the author works, email address and phone number.

Book reviews, reviews and assessments are not subject to peer-review, may not be longer than three standard pages and are signed at the end. The first page must include first name and last name of the author of the presented work, the title of the paper (subtitle), name of the publisher, place of publication, year of publication and page numbers.