Croatica Chemica Acta, Vol. 37 No. 2, 1965.
Kratko priopćenje
The Dissociation, Distribution, and Dimerization Constants of Some Organophosphorus Acids
F. Krašovec
; Institute »Jozef Stefan«, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia
In a pre'V.ious paper1 the values of . the acid dissociatiOIIl constants of
several esters of orthophosphoric aciid were given, as well as .the values of
their dimerization aind distriibut1o!Il constants :i!Il chlorofol'!Il. Recellltly someother or.ganophosphmms acids have been prepared i.e. two .phospholllic acid esters R(RO)P.OOH and two pho1sphinic acids R,POOH and their characterishc constairuts determilned.
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