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Croatica Chemica Acta , Vol. 56 No. 4, 1983.

  • Datum izdavanja: 09.11.1983.
  • Objavljen na Hrčku: 26.02.2018.


Puni tekst

Introductory Remarks (str. I-II)

Velimir Pravdić

Abstracts and Contents (str. III-XII)


Index Vol. 56 (str. XIII-XXIV)


Recent Thermodynamic Data on Vicinal Water and a Model for Their Interpretation (str. 563-592)

Frank M. Etzler, Walter Drost-Hansen
Izlaganje sa skupa

The Role of Surface Coordination in Precipitation and Dissolution of Mineral Phases (str. 593-611)

Werner Stumm, Gerhard Furrer, Bruno Kunz
Izlaganje sa skupa

The Effect of Adsorbed Humic Substances on the Uptake of Copper(II) by Goethite (str. 613-621)

Edward Tipping, John R. Griffith, John Hilton
Izlaganje sa skupa

A Study of the Mechanism of Micropore Filling. I. Molecular Sieve Effects (str. 633-648)

Albert C. Zettlemoyer, Phillip Pendleton, Fortunato J. Micale
Izlaganje sa skupa

Kinetics of Deposition of Colloidal Metal Oxide Particles on a Steel Surface (str. 649-661)

Egon Matijević, Nikola Kallay
Izlaganje sa skupa

Electric Birefringence and Electrophoretic Light Scattering for Colloid Stability Characterisation (str. 663-671)

Barry R. Jennings, Roger C. Fairwood
Izlaganje sa skupa

The Stability of Silica Hydrosols Under the Influence of Polymer Adsorption (str. 673-694)

Erwin Killmann
Izlaganje sa skupa

Adsorption of Oligo- and Polypeptides as Model Polyelectrolytes (str. 695-704)

Benedict C. Bonekamp, Hendrik A. van der Schee, Johannes Lyklema
Izlaganje sa skupa

Phase Transformations in the Spontaneous Precipitation of Calcium Phosphate (str. 753-767)

John L. Meyer
Izlaganje sa skupa

Dissolution of Calcium Hydroxylapatite and its Application to Biological Demineralization (str. 769-777)

Joergen Christoffersen, Margaret Ruth Christoffersen, Joop Arends
Izlaganje sa skupa

Thermodynamics of Hydroxyapatite Surfaces (str. 779-787)

Walter E. Brown, Lawrence C. Chow, M. Mathew
Izlaganje sa skupa

Hydrodynamic Properties of Micelles of Dihydroxy Bile Salts: Sodium Taurodeoxycholate and Sodium Glycodeoxycholate (str. 789-796)

Josip P. Kratohvil, Tejraj M. Aminabhavi, Wan P. Hsu, Satoru Fujime, Adam Patkowski, F. C. Chen, Benjamin Chu
Izlaganje sa skupa

Osmometric Study of Aggregation in Dye Solutions (str. 797-801)

Dušan Bratko, J. Cerkvenik, J. Špan, G. Vesnaver
Izlaganje sa skupa

The Study of Cartilage Proteoglycan Interactions by Electric Birefringence (str. 803-808)

Harold H. Trimm, Barry R. Jennings
Izlaganje sa skupa

Announcements (str. C5-C8)


Acknowledgement to Referees (str. C9-C9)


Errata (str. C10-C10)


Conclusion (str. 0-0)


Introduction (str. 0-0)


Cover Page (str. 0-0)


Impressum (str. 0-0)


Ad (str. 0-0)


Editorial Note (str. 0-0)


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