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  • Publication date: 15.01.2013.
  • Published on HRČAK: 18.01.2013.

Table of contents

Full text

Popular Culture as a Setting for Religious Experience (page 38-38)

Irena Sever
Original scientific paper

Buber’s Dialogic Concept of Child–rearing and Education (page 49-49)

Draženko Tomić
Original scientific paper

The Vocation and Mission of the Prophet Ezekiel in Ez 2–3 (page 80-80)

Niko Bilić
Review article

Violence in the Bible and Dramatic Theology (page 104-104)

Željko Tanjić, Bruno Petrušić
Professional paper

Poslovna etika banaka (page 105-120)

Business Ethics for Banks (page 120-120)

Kristijan Krkač, Hrvoje Volarević, Hrvoje Jerković
Professional paper

Bosiljka Bačura, Djetešce na sunašce! (page 138-139)

Bojan Bijelić
Case report

Mile Budak, Bazalo (page 139-140)

Božidar Nagy
Case report

Ratko Perić, Jobovi bolovi i Božji blagoslovi. Duhovne vježbe (page 140-141)

Marin Skender
Case report

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