Prethodno priopćenje
Quality and fermented products permanence of shelf-life: role of microbiological starter culture
Anica Borović
; Prehrambeno-biotehnološki fakultet, Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb
R. Vučemilović
Ljerka Kršev
Ljubica Tratnik
The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of prepared classic working starter culture as compared with starter culture to be added direct-to-vat in frozen form, on quality and yoghurt's permanence of shelf-life. In 3 laboratory-scale experiments 9 yoghurt samples were prepared using classic working starter culture and 9 samples using freeze-dried direct-set starter culture. Analysis of prepared yoghurt samples included determination of: active acidity (pH), total bacterial counts as well as counts of Lactobacilli and Streptococci in 1 ml of sample. Variation of acidity was observed during 8 days' keeping of yoghurt samples in refrigerator (+8 °C). Counts of viable bacterial cells in yoghurt were greater when freeze-dried direct-set starter culture was used for milk incubation, but acidity was not implied. Acidity of yoghurt samples increased after 8 days of keeping in refrigerator in case when freeze-dried direct-set starter culture was used. Also, the acidity of mentioned samples was greater than acidity of yoghurt samples prepared using classic working starter culture. Using freeze-dried direct-set starter culture did not prolong significantly the incubation time of inoculated milk.
Ključne riječi
yoghurt preparation; classic working starter culture; freeze-dried direct-set starter culture; quality of yoghurt; yoghurt's permanence of shelf-life
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