The impact factor of scientific journals and the h-index depend on the citations. Therefore, the citation analysis is a very important part of scientometrics. The paper presents the 2022 ranking list of citation analysis researchers. The ranking is presented primarily according to the h-index of researchers. Researchers with the same h-index are ranked by the number of citations. The minimum h-index of the 10 ranked researchers is 26. h-index can be determined from the following online databases: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and the Publish or Perish program. The ranking is edited using the Google Scholar database. The h-index, as a particularly simple and useful way to characterize the scientific output of a researcher, was introduced by Jorge E. Hirsch in 20051, and it is defined as follows: “A scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other Np − h papers have no more than h citations each”. The h-index was applied to compare scientists, scientific journals, research teams, research institutions and countries. The advantage the h-index is that it combines both the quantity – number of articles and quality – citations to these articles2-6. A researcher cannot have a high h-index without publishing a considerable number of articles. The h-index favors researches that publish a continuous stream of articles. The article is organized as follows: in Section 1 the Introduction is given, in Section 2 the 2022 ranking list of citation analysis researchers is presented. Conclusions are given in Section 3.
The 2022 ranking of citation analysis researchers is presented primarily according to the researchers’ h-index. The ranking has been constructed using the Google Scholar7-11 database. Researchers with matching h-index are ranked by the number of citations. Ten researchers are included in the ranked list. The minimum h-index of the ranked researchers is 26. Here is the 2022 ranking list: 1. Eugen Garfield h-index = 70 citations: 36 743
2. Gyula Mester h-index = 47 citations: 3 746 3. Paul Wouters h-index = 42 citations: 9 959 4. Howard D. White h-index = 35 citations: 9 664 5. Mohsen Nouri h-index = 33 citations: 3 671 6. John S. Liu h-index = 29 citations: 3 984 7. Kailash Garg h-index = 29 citations: 2 315 8. B.S. Kademani h-index = 29 citations: 2 288 9. Jasar Tonta h-index = 28 citations: 3 126 10. Andreas Thor h-index = 26 citations: 2 731CONCLUSIONS
In this article the 2022 ranking list of citation analysis researchers is presented. The ranking is presented primarily according to the h-index of researchers. Researchers with the same h index are ranked by the number of citations. The minimum h-index of the 10 ranked researchers is 26. The h-index can be determined from the following online databases: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar and the Publish or Perish program. The ranking is edited using the Google Scholar database.