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New Cartographic Terms 3

Nedjeljko Frančula ; Geodetski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Međimurska 17, Zagreb
Miljenko Lapaine ; Geodetski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Međimurska 17, Zagreb

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str. 118-123

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Puni tekst: hrvatski pdf 1.290 Kb

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After the publication of the Cartographic Dictionary (Frančula et al. 2020), this journal published definitions of newly created cartographic terms, as well as terms that the authors failed to include in the dictionary (Frančula, Lapaine 2022). Due to the rapid development of technology, new terms are created every day, so here we provide a list of them with definitions. Terms from computer science, especially artificial intelligence, necessary for cartographers are also included.After the publication of the Cartographic Dictionary (Frančula et al. 2020), this journal published definitions of newly created cartographic terms, as well as terms that the authors failed to include in the dictionary (Frančula, Lapaine 2022). Due to the rapid development of technology, new terms are created every day, so here we provide a list of them with definitions. Terms from computer science, especially artificial intelligence, necessary for cartographers are also included.

Ključne riječi

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Datum izdavanja:


Podaci na drugim jezicima: hrvatski

Posjeta: 642 *

References / Literatura


Čerba O, Andrš T, Fournier L, Vaněk M (2023) Cartography & Web3. International Journal of Cartography, 9, 3, 437-448. ( 21.10.2023. )


DIR.HR (2022) Što je DNS?. ( 21.10.2023 )


Endreß S (2023) A Novel Approach to Visualizing Olfactory Landscapes. KN – Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, 73, 3, 199-210. ( 23.09.2023 )


FER (2023) Znanost o podacima. Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva. . ( 08.12.2023 )


FESB AI (2023) Što je Generativna umjetna inteligencija (Generative AI) i zašto je moramo biti svjesni? Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Splitu, . ( 11.11.2023 )


Frančula N, Lapaine M (2022) Novi kartografski nazivi / New cartographic terms. Kartografija i geoinformacije, 21, 37, 74-81. ( 31.08.2023 )


Frančula N, Lapaine M (2023) Novi kartografski nazivi 2 / New cartographic terms 2. Kartografija i geoinformacije, 22, 39, 108-111. ( 31.08.2023 )


Frančula N, Lapaine M, Jazbec I.-P. (2020) Kartografski rječnik. Hrvatsko kartografsko društvo. Naklada Dominović. ( 31.08.2023 )


Frankenfield J (2022) Weak AI (Artificial Intelligence): Examples and Limitations.. Investopedia. ( 01.11.2023. )


Gamage A.A.; Dehideniya S.C.P.; Xu Z, Tang X (2023) Contract cheating in higher education: Impacts on academic standards and quality. Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching, 6, 2, 1-13. ( 22.09.2023. )


Gartner (2023) Artificial general intelligence (AGI), Gartner Glossary. ( 01.11.2023 )


Osco L.P.; de Lemos E.P.; Gonçalves W.N.; Marques Ramos A.P.; Marcato Junior J (2022) The Potential of Visual ChatGPT for Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 15, 13, 3232-3232. ( 23.09.2023 )


Polous N (2022) Smart Cartography: representing complex geographical reality of 21st century. International Journal of Cartography, 9, 3, 619-637. ( 06.09.2023 )


Seneviratne O, McGuinness D.L. (2023) Web 3.0 Meets Web3: Exploring the Convergence of Semantic Web and Blockchain Technologies. CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( ( 05.09.2023. )


Wikipedia (2023a) Hallucination (artificial intelligence). ( 31.08.2023 )


Wikipedia (2023b) Generative pre-trained transformer. ( 11.11.2023 )

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New Cartographic Terms 3

After New Cartographic Names (Frančula, Lapaine 2022) and New Cartographic Names 2 (Frančula, Lapaine 2023), we offer the readers of this journal New Cartographic Names 3. The reason is an accelerated development of technology that creates new names every day. Names from computer science, especially artificial intelligence, necessary for cartographers are also included.

All names are arranged alphabetically. When a name consists of two or more words, the first is always a noun. For example, olfactory cartography is included in the dictionary as cartography, olfactory. A comma means that the usual word order is reversed. Names in foreign languages are entered in the dictionary in the same way.

A synonym of the name in the Croatian language is marked with also. Preference is given to the first name listed. If there are synonyms in a foreign language, they are separated by a semicolon (;).

See refers to the names that served in the definition of a certain name or are closely related to it. If that name was included in the Cartographic Dictionary (Frančula et al. 2020), or in previous lists of new cartographic names, we did not list it here.

Some additional information is given in the notes.


abbreviation for Artificial General Intelligence

See: intelligence, general artificial

cartography, olfactory

a part of cartography that deals with the research and mapping of olfactory landscapes

See: landscape, olfactory

Cro. kartografija, olfaktorna

Fr. cartographie olfactive

Ger. Kartographie, olfaktorische

cartography, smart

cartography adaptable and ready to respond to technological progress and shaped to meet the growing needs of the community for spatial display

Cro. kartografija, pametna

Fr. cartographie intelligente

Ger. Kartographie, intelligente

ChatGPT, Visual

a system that connects ChatGPT and a set of visual core models to enable sending and receiving images during conversations

See: model, visual fundamental

Cro. ChatGPT, Visual


unauthorized use of information, materials, devices, sources or practices in academic activities

Cro. varanje

computing, distributed

a field of computer science that studies distributed systems

See: system, distributet

Cro. računalstvo, distribuirano

computing, edge

a distributed computing paradigm that brings computing and data storage closer to data sources

Note: The purpose is to speed up the calculation process.

Cro. računalstvo, rubno

Ger. Computing, Edge

contract cheating

a practice in which students seek the help of others, paid or unpaid, to complete their assignments, essays, or projects

Cro. kršenje ugovora

data science

branch of computing that deals with extracting knowledge from structured and unstructured data, including large data sets

Cro. znanost o podatcima

Fr. science des données

Ger. Datenwissenschaft


abbreviation for Domain Name System

See: domain name system; address book, online

Domain Name System

Also: address book, online; DNM

a hierarchical and distributed system of names for computers, services and other resources on the Internet or other Internet Protocol networks (IP addresses)

Note: The domain name system has been an essential component of the Internet since 1985.

Cro. sustav imena domena; adresar, internetski

Fr. Système de noms de domaines


abbreviation for Generative pre-trained transformer

See: transformer, generative pre-trained


an artificial intelligence response that is not based on the data the chatbot was trained on

See: chatbot (Frančula, Lapaine 2023)

Cro. halucinacija

Fr. hallucination

Ger. Halluzination

intelligence, general artificial

Also: intelligence, strong artificial; AGI

a form of artificial intelligence that possesses the ability to understand, learn and apply knowledge in a wide range of tasks and domains

See: intelligence, artificial (Frančula et al. 2020)

Cro. inteligencija, opća umjetna; AGI; inteligencija, jaka umjetna

Fr. intelligence artificielle générale

Ger. Intelligenz, künstliche allgemeine

intelligence, generative artificial

artificial intelligence that deals with the creation of original content such as text, images, music, video

Cro. inteligencija, generativna umjetna

Fr. intelligence artificielle générative

Ger. Intelligenz, generative künstliche

intelligence, narrow artificial

See: intelligence, weak artificial

Cro. inteligencija, uska umjetna

intelligence, strong artificial

See: intelligence, general artificial

Cro. inteligencija, jaka umjetna

Fr. intelligence artificielle forte

Ger. Intelligenz, starke künstliche

intelligence, weak artificial

Also: intelligence, narrow artificial

a form of artificial intelligence that is limited to a specific or narrow area

See: intelligence, artificial (Frančula et al. 2020)

Cro. inteligencija, slaba umjetna; inteligencija, uska umjetna

Fr. intelligence artificielle faible

Ger. Intelligenz, schwache künstliche

landscape, olfactory

a landscape with an individual very strong olfactory perception

Cro. krajolik, mirisni

Fr. paysage olfactif

Ger. Geruchslandschaft

model, visual foundation

the underlying model that generates the images

Note: It usually includes components of large language models to enable the generation of images using text input queries.

See: model, large language (Frančula, Lapaine 2023)

Cro. model, vizualni temeljni

system, distributed

system whose components are located on different networked computers that communicate and coordinate actions by sending messages to each other

Cro. sustav, distribuirani

transformer, generative pre-trained

a large language model and framework for generative artificial intelligence

Note: These are artificial neural networks based on a transformer architecture, pre-trained on large datasets of unlabeled text and capable of generating new human-like content.

See: model, large language; intelligence, generative artificial

Cro. transformator, generativni unaprijed obučeni; GPT

Fr. transformeur génératif pré-entraîné

Ger. Transformer, generative vortrainierte


a group of technologies that restructure control over the Internet

Note 1: These technologies include financial projects (cryptocurrencies), communication technology (encrypted messaging), mass use cases or critical Internet infrastructure (decentralized Internet address book)

Note 2: Web3 and its components will be an integral part of the future virtual world, including maps and visualization of spatial data.

Note 3: Web 3.0 and web3 should be distinguished.

See: web 3.0 (Frančula et al. 2020); domain name system

Cro. web3

Novi kartografski nazivi 3

Nakon Novih kartografskih naziva (Frančula, Lapaine 2022) i Novih kartografskih naziva 2 (Frančula, Lapaine 2023) nudimo čitateljima ovog časopisa i Nove kartografske nazive 3. Ralog je ubrzani razvoj tehnologije koji svakodnevno stvara nove nazive. Uključeni su i nazivi iz računalne znanosti, posebno umjetne inteligencije, nužni kartografima.

Svi nazivi poredani su po abecedi. Kada se naziv sastoji od dviju ili više riječi, prva je uvijek imenica. Na primjer olfaktorna kartografija uvrštena je u rječnik kao kartografija, olfaktorna. Zarez znači da je uobičajeni redoslijed riječi obrnut. Na isti način upisani su u rječnik i nazivi na stranim jezicima.

Sinonim nazivu u hrvatskom jeziku označen je s također. Prednost se daje prvom navedenom nazivu. Ako u stranom jeziku postoje sinonimi, odvojeni su točkom sa zarezom (;).

S vidi upućuje se na nazive koji su poslužili u definiciji određenog naziva ili su u uskoj vezi s njim. Ako je taj naziv uvršten u Kartografski rječnik (Frančula i dr. 2020), ili u prethodne popise novih kartografskih naziva nismo ga ovdje navodili.

U napomenama dane su neke dodatne informacije.


kratica od Artificial General Intelligence

Vidi: inteligencija, opća umjetna

ChatGPT, Visual

sustav koji povezuje ChatGPT i niz vizualnih temeljnih modela kako bi se omogućilo slanje i primanje slika tijekom razgovora

SVidi: model, vizualni temeljni

En. ChatGPT, Visual


kratica od Domain Name System

Vidi: sustav imena domena; adresar, internetski


kratica od Generative pre-trained transformer

Vidi: transformator, generativni unaprijed obučeni


odgovor umjetne inteligencije koji se ne temelji na podatcima na kojima je program za razgovor uvježbavan

Vidi: program za razgovor (Frančula, Lapaine 2023)

En. hallucination

Fr. hallucination

Ger. Halluzination

inteligencija, generativna umjetna

umjetna inteligencija koja se bavi stvaranjem originalnog sadržaja poput teksta, slika, glazbe, videa

En. intelligence, generative artificial

Fr. intelligence artificielle générative

Nj. Intelligenz, generative künstliche

inteligencija, jaka umjetna

Vidi: inteligencija, opća umjetna

En. intelligence, strong artificial

Fr. intelligence artificielle forte

Nj. Intelligenz, starke künstliche

inteligencija, opća umjetna

Također: inteligencija, jaka umjetna

oblik umjetne inteligencije koji posjeduje sposobnost razumijevanja, učenja i primjene znanja u širokom rasponu zadataka i domena

Vidi: inteligencija, umjetna (Frančula i dr. 2022)

En. intelligence, artificial general; AGI; intelligence, strong artificial; AI, strong

Fr. intelligence artificielle générale

Nj. Intelligenz, künstliche allgemeine

inteligencija, slaba umjetna

Također: inteligencija, uska umjetna

oblik umjetne inteligencije koji je ograničen na određeno ili usko područje

Vidi: inteligencija, umjetna (Frančula i dr. 2020)

En. intelligence, weak artificial; AI, weak; intelligence, narrow artificial

Fr. intelligence artificielle faible

Nj. Intelligenz, schwache künstliche

inteligencija, uska umjetna

Vidi: inteligencija, slaba umjetna

En. intelligence, narrow artificial

kartografija, olfaktorna

dio kartografije koji se bavi istraživanjem i kartografiranjem mirisnih krajolika

Vidi: krajolik, mirisni

En. cartography, olfactory

Fr. cartographie olfactive

Nj. Kartographie, olfaktorische

kartografija, pametna

kartografija prilagodljiva i spremna odgovoriti na tehnološki napredak i oblikovana da odgovara rastućim potrebama zajednice za prostornim prikazivanjem

En. cartography, smart

Fr. cartographie intelligente

Nj. Kartographie, intelligente

krajolik, mirisni

krajolik s individualnom vrlo jakom mirisnom percepcijom

En. landscape, olfactory

Fr. paysage olfactif

Nj. Geruchslandschaft

kršenje ugovora

praksa u kojoj studenti traže pomoć drugih, plaćenih ili ne, kako bi dovršili svoje zadatke, eseje i projekte

En. contract cheating

model, vizualni temeljni

temeljni model koji generira slike

Napomena: Obično uključuje komponente velikih jezičnih modela kako bi se omogućilo generiranje slika primjenom tekstnih ulaznih upita.

Vidi: model, veliki jezični (Frančula, Lapaine 2023)

En. model, visual foundation

računalstvo, distribuirano

Također: računarstvo, distribuirano

polje računalnih znanosti koje proučava distribuirane sustave

Vidi: sustav, distribuirani

En. computing, distributed

računalstvo, rubno

Također: računarstvo, rubno

distribuirana računalna paradigma koja računanje i pohranu podataka približava izvorima podataka

Napomena: Svrha je ubrzavanje procesa računanja.

En. computing, edge

Nj. Computing, Edge

računarstvo, rubno

Vidi: računalstvo, rubno

sustav imena domena

Također: adresar, internetski

hijerarhijski i distribuirani sustav imena za računala, usluge i druge resurse na internetu ili drugim mrežama internetskog protokola (IP adrese)

Napomena: Sustav imena domena bitna je komponenta interneta od 1985. godine.

En. Domain Name System; DNM

Fr. Système de noms de domaines

sustav, distribuirani

sustav čije komponente su smještene na različitim umreženim računalima koja komuniciraju i koordiniraju akcije šaljući poruke jedno drugome

En. system, distributet

transformator, generativni unaprijed obučeni

vrsta velikog jezičnog modela i okvir za generativnu umjetnu inteligenciju

Napomena: To su umjetne neuronske mreže koje se temelje na transformatorskoj arhitekturi, unaprijed obučene na velikim skupovima podataka neoznačenog teksta i sposobne generirati novi sadržaj sličan ljudskom.

Vidi: model, veliki jezični (Frančula, Lapaine 2023); inteligencija, generativna umjetna

En. transformer, Generative pre-trained; GPT

Fr. transformeur génératif pré-entraîné

Nj. Transformer, generative vortrainierte


neovlašteno korištenje informacija, materijala, uređaja, izvora ili praksi u obavljanju akademskih aktivnosti

En. cheating


skupina tehnologija koje restrukturiraju kontrolu nad internetom

Napomena 1: Te tehnologije uključuju financijske projekte (kriptovalute), komunikacijsku tehnologiju (šifrirano slanje poruka), slučajeve masovne upotrebe ili kritičnu internetsku infrastrukturu (decentralizirani internetski adresar).

Napomena 2: Web3 i njegove komponente bit će sastavni dio budućeg virtualnog svijeta, uključujući karte i vizualizaciju prostornih podataka.

Napomena 3: Treba razlikovati web 3.0 i web3.

Vidi: web 3.0 (Frančula i dr. 2020); sustav imena domena; adresar, internetski

En. Web3

znanost o podatcima

grana računalstva koja se bavi izdvajanjem znanja iz strukturiranih i nestrukturiranih podataka, uključujući velike skupove podataka

En. data science

Fr. science des données

Nj. Datenwissenschaft