Publication date: 30 June 2022
Volume: Vol 57
Issue: Svezak 1
Pages: 17-33
Original scientific paper
Finite W-algebras associated to truncated current Lie algebras
Xiao He
; Paris Curie Engineer School, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, P.R.China
Finite W-algebras associated to truncated current Lie algebras are studied in this paper. We show that some properties of finite W-algebras in the semisimple case hold in the truncated current case. In particular, Kostant's theorem and Skryabin equivalence hold in our case. As an application, we give a classification of simple Whittaker modules for truncated current Lie algebras in the
Truncated current Lie algebras, Finite W-algebras, Skryabin equivalence, Whittaker modules.
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