Professional paper
Numerical model of a Hertz contact between two elastic solids
Budimir Mijović
; Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, CROATIA
Mustafa Džoklo
; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Mostar, Mostar, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
This paper presents the analysis of stresses and deformations occurring when surfaces of two elastic bodies come into contact. Finite element method has been used as a numeric technique in order to obtain contact stresses between two elastic bodies. The mapped meshing method has been used for model meshing. When two bodies come into contact they touch initially in one point or along the line. Under the influence of loading they get deformed in the vicinity of the point of the first contact so that they touch along the surface whose size is small in relation to the body dimension. The contact problems are usually nonlinear and require computers of higher capacity. In a contact between two elements it is difficult to determine the contact area. This depends on loading, material, boundary conditions etc. Both combinations, i.e. when friction is taken into account and when it is not taken into account on contact surface have been observed. Normal and gliding stresses on the contact surface which have been caused by contact have been presented by reaction forces on nodes on contact surfaces. According to sizes of reaction forces
and friction coefficient, conditions on nodes of contact surfaces have been classified as gliding or sticking. Contact stresses have been calculated in the paper for cases when cylinders and rectangular plates for materials with different elasticity moduli come into contact. A symmetrical contact model has been used in the numeric analysis.
Hertz contact, elastic solids, finite element method, mapped meshing method, friction
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