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Metallurgy , Vol. 43 No. 3, 2004.

  • Publication date: 01.07.2004.
  • Published on HRČAK: 13.10.2014.

Table of contents

Full text

U spomen V. M. Drujanu (page 142-142)

In memoriam V. M. Drujan (page 142-142)

I. Mamuzić
In memoriam, Obituary

Strain ageing of structural steels (page 143-148)

F. Vovopivec
Original scientific paper

Role of Cr and P Additions in the Development of Microstructure (page 149-154)

E. V. Pereloma, I. B. Timokhina, A. I. Nosenkov, J. J. Jonas
Original scientific paper

Hydrogen Plasma Smelting Reduction - an Option for Steelmaking in the Future (page 155-162)

H. Hiebler, J. F. Plaul
Review article

Current State and Development of Steelmaking Processes (page 163-168)

M. Gojić
Review article

Qualität durch Umformung (page 169-179)

R. Kawalla, W. Lehnert
Review article

Techno - Economic Indikators of Seamless Tube Production (page 181-186)

V. M. Drujan, I. Mamuzić
Review article

On Development of Methods of Computer Simulation for Processes of Metal Forming (page 187-192)

V. A: Grynkevych, I. Mamuzić, V. M. Danchenko
Review article

Quality Management Systems - New Approach by ISO 9000/2000 (page 193-198)

L'. Mihok
Review article

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