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  • Publication date: 01.12.2014.
  • Published on HRČAK: 15.02.2015.

Table of contents

Full text

Editorial (page 253-254)

Stjepka Popović

Doktrina dvostrukog efekta i terminalna sedacija (page 255-261)

Milijana Đerić
Original scientific paper

Bioethics: past, present and future (page 263-275)

Natacha Salome Lima, Predrag Cicovacki
Short communication, Note

Metodološke osobitosti istraživanja seksualnosti (page 291-307)

Vesna Antičević, Lidija Šodić
Review article

Činitelji delikventnog ponašanja (page 323-348)

Željko Krstić
Professional paper

Why teach “Bioethics and Human Rights” to healthcare professions undergraduates? (page 349-368)

Marina Casini, Joseph Meaney, Emanuela Midolo, Anto Čartolovni, Dario Sacchini, Antonio Spagnolo

Bioethics within public lectures (page 371-372)

Sandra Radenović

Bioetički život u Bosni i Hercegovini 2014. (page 373-376)

Hamza Muratspahić

Where do we draw the line? Taboos in medicine through time (page 379-386)

Blaž Podgoršek, Gregor Lakner, Zvonka Zupanič Slavec

Eutanazija u dječjoj dobi (page 387-405)

Din Duraković

Marija Selak: Ljudska priroda i nova epoha (page 409-412)

Igor Eterović
Case report

Paul Slack: Plague: A Very Short Introduction (page 425-427)

Amir Muzur
Case report

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