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  • Publication date: 13.06.2016.
  • Published on HRČAK: 13.06.2016.

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Full text

Epidemiološki trendi hormonsko odvisnih rakov (page 92-92)

Vesna Zadnik, Mateja Krajc
Review article

Epidemiološki trendi bolezni ščitnice, ki so povezane z jodom: primer Slovenije (page 98-98)

Simona Gaberšček, Katja Zaletel
Review article

Kemični povzročitelji hormonskih motenj - strategija Evropske unije in stališče Slovenije (page 105-105)

Lucija Perharič, Tanja Fatur, Jernej Drofenik
Review article

Koncentracije zdravilnih učinkovin v slovenskih komunalnih in bolnišničnih odpadnih vodah: preliminarna raziskava (page 115-115)

Anita Klančar, Jurij Trontelj, Albin Kristl, Maja Zupančič Justin, Robert Roškar
Original scientific paper

Assessment of genotoxicity of Lannate-90® and its plant and animal metabolites in human lymphocyte cultures (page 116-125)

Rafael Valencia-Quintana, Sandra Gómez-Arroyo, Juana Sánchez-Alarcón, Mirta Milić, José Luis Gómez Olivares, Stefan M. Waliszewski, Josefina Cortés-Eslava, Rafael Villalobos-Pietrini, María Elena Calderón-Segura
Original scientific paper

Terbufos-sulfone exacerbates cardiac lesions in diabetic rats: a sub-acute toxicity study (page 126-135)

Syed M. Nurulain, Mohamed Shafiullah, Javed Yasin, Abdu Adem, Juma Al Kaabi, Saeed Tariq, Ernest Adeghate, Shreesh Ojha
Original scientific paper

Exposure-response relationship between traffic noise and the risk of stroke: a systematic review with meta-analysis (page 136-151)

Angel M. Dzhambov, Donka D. Dimitrova
Original scientific paper

Salience and conflict of work and family roles among employed men and women (page 152-163)

Irena Knežević, Ljiljana Gregov, Ana Šimunić
Original scientific paper

Zdravljenje hude zastrupitve s kvetiapinom in citalopramom z nizkim odmerkom intravenske lipidne emulzije (page 166-166)

Darinka Purg, Andrej Markota, Damjan Grenc, Andreja Sinkovič
Short communication, Note

Is there a role for sildenafil in the management of paraquat-induced lung fibrosis? (page 167-168)

Sayed Mahdi Marashi, Zeynab Nasri-Nasrabadi
Letter to the Editor

(page A12-0)

Michael Nasterlack
In memoriam, Obituary

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