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Review of psychology , Vol. 22 No. 1-2, 2015.

  • Publication date: 07.12.2015.
  • Published on HRČAK: 19.07.2016.

Table of contents

Full text

Word knowledge as predictive of linguistic creative behaviors (page 11-18)

Željko Rački, Lidija Bakota, Željka Flegar
Original scientific paper

Preliminary validation of the Test of Object Relations in a sample of Croatian students (page 19-28)

Gregor Žvelc, Tijana Berlafa
Original scientific paper

Occupational stressors, risks and health in the seafaring population (page 29-40)

Ana Slišković, Zvjezdan Penezić
Review article

Theoretical basis of the forensic psychology at the workplace in Spain (page 41-51)

David González Trijueque, Víctor Dujo López, Marta Marín Rullán
Professional paper

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