Review of psychology

- Status u Hrčku: prestao izlaziti
ISSN 1330-6812 (Tisak)
ISSN 1849-0905 (Online) -
UDK: 159.9
- Kontakt:
Review of Psychology
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Philosophy
Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia;
tel: 385 1 4092192; Fax: 385 1 4092137 - Email:
- URL:
- Izdavač:
Naklada Slap
Dr. F. Tuđmana 33, 10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
- Upute za autore
Review of Psychology publishes semiannually original articles concerning all topics in scientific and applied psychology. The emphasis is on empirically based articles but theoretical, methodological and review papers, critical surveys, as well as open-peers commentaries will also be included. The articles have to be of interest to the entire community of psychologists, and especially to the Alps Adria psychologists' community. Therefore historical papers, approaches or schools of thought and cross-cultural studies within the Alps Adria Region will be welcome.
- Recenzija: vanjske recenzije, pretežito inozemna, svi radovi, dvostruko slijepa, dvostruka
- Prva godina izlaženja: 0.
- Učestalost izlaženja: 2
- Područja pokrivanja: Psihologija, Društvene znanosti
- Uključen u Hrčak: 06.04.2006.