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Croatica Chemica Acta , Vol. 60 No. 4, 1987.

  • Publication date: 23.12.1987.
  • Published on HRČAK: 09.03.2017.

Table of contents

Full text

On the Aromatic Stability of a Conjugated C60 Cluster (page 595-604)

Milan Randić, Sonja Nikolić, Nenad Trinajstić
Original scientific paper

Skele ton Deformations and Electronic Structure of p-Quinonemethide (page 605-612)

Sergey G. Semenov, Sergey M. Shevchenko
Original scientific paper

Spectroscopic Studies on 4-(p-Dimethylaminobenzylidene) and 4-(p- Dimethylaminophenylimino) Derivatives of 3-Methyl-1-phenyl-2-pyrazolin-5-one (page 613-625)

Anwar S. EI-Shahawy, Maher M. Girgis, Zarit H. Khalil
Original scientific paper

Testing the Conformal Ionic Solution Theory for the Additive Ternary Molten Salt System (page 627-634)

Ivan J. Gal, Istvan J. Zsigrai
Original scientific paper

Adsorption Effects in Polarography of Berberine (page 635-648)

Šebojka Komorsky-Lovrić, Zvonimir Gašparec, Marko Branica
Original scientific paper

The Exchange of Tritiated Water Between Zn-A Zeolitevand the Surrounding Water (page 655-660)

Z. Radak Jovanović, M. Todorović, I. J. Gal
Short communication, Note

Mossbauer Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction of Oxide Precipitates Formed from FeSO4 Solution. Part II (page 661-675)

S. Musić, S. Popović, M. Gotić
Original scientific paper

Kinetics of Reduction of Aza Cyanine Dyes by Bisulphite Ions in (Acetate-Acetic Acid) Buffer-Ethanol Mixtures (page 697-704)

M. M. Girgis, A. S. EI-Shahawy, Z. H. Khalil
Short communication, Note

Note on the Analysis of the Ag/Ag I Electrode Impedance (page 705-707)

H. P. van Leeuwen
Short communication, Note

Once More About the Analysis of the Ag/AgI Electrode Impedance (page 709-716)

K. Kvastek, V. Horvat
Short communication, Note

Synthesis of Pyridones and Dihydropyridines from Pyrylium Salts and Nitriles from Adimines (page 717-733)

Hassan M. Faid-Allah
Original scientific paper

Synthesis and Characterization of Amorphous Nickel(II) Aluminosilicate (page 735-739)

Nevenka Z. Rajić, Đorđe R. Stojaković
Original scientific paper

The 5,6-Benzoquinoline N-Oxide Complexes of Oxovanadium(IV) (page 741-744)

R. K. Agarwal, Gyanendra Singh
Short communication, Note

Oxozirconium(IV) Complexes of Di-n-Butyl and Di-n-Pentyl Sulphoxides (page 745-748)

R. K. Agarwal
Original scientific paper

Inhibition of Hill Reaction by 3-Alcoxyuracil Derivatives: QSAR Study With Topological Indices (page 755-763)

Milan Šoškić, Aleksandar Sabljić
Original scientific paper

Book Reviews (page A5-A8)

Case report

Announcements (page C13-C13)


Contents (page 0-0)


Introduction (page 0-0)


Cover Page (page 0-0)


Ad (page 0-0)


Acknowledgement to Referees (page 0-0)


Index Vol. 60 (page 0-0)


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