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  • Publication date: 01.12.2017.
  • Published on HRČAK: 18.02.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

Editorial (page 149-149)

Igor Eterović

Motivation towards studying english for specific purposes among students of medical and healthcare studies (page 151-170)

Tajana Tomak, Martina Šendula - Pavelić
Original scientific paper

Svijest i slobodna volja kao uvjet moralnih odluka (page 171-189)

Franjo Mijatović
Original scientific paper

Bridging the gap between researchers and patients: The role of the Institutional Review Boards in the informed consent process (page 191-208)

Elena Villamanan, Marta Ruiz, Emma Fernandez de Uzquiano, Paz Lavilla, Rosario Madero, Jesus Frias, Eduardo Armada, Alicia Herrero, Rodolfo Alvarez-Sala
Preliminary communication

Percepcija smrti i žalovanja iz dječje perspektive u pedijatrijskoj palijativnoj skrbi (page 209-226)

Suzana Vuletić, Silvana Karačić, Kata Amabilis Jurić
Review article

The Ecosystem of Bioethics: Building Bridges to Public Health (page 227-243)

Jonathan Beever, Peter J. Whitehouse
Review article

The Oviedo Convention and (European) bioethics: how much do they really have in common? (page 245-250)

Amir Muzur, Iva Rinčić
Letter to the Editor

Prvi Osječki dani bioetike (page 263-266)

Ivica Kelam
Case report

Fritz Jahr Award: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS (page 269-272)

Maja Miloš

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