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  • Publication date: 12.03.2018.
  • Published on HRČAK: 13.03.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

Editorial (page II-II)

Srećko Krile

Application of the Genetic Algorithm at Initial Stages of Ships Design (page 1-10)

Oleksandr V. Bondarenko, Anzhela P. Boyko, Andrejs Zvaigzne
Original scientific paper

Optimal Use of Container Ships for Servicing Among Small Ports (page 18-23)

Srećko Krile, Darijo Mišković
Preliminary communication

Exergy Analysis of Steam Pressure Reduction Valve in Marine Propulsion Plant on Conventional LNG Carrier (page 24-31)

Vedran Mrzljak, Igor Poljak, Božica Žarković
Preliminary communication

Research on Relationship between Freight Transport Performance and GDP in Slovakia and EU Countries (page 32-39)

Jozef Gnap, Vladimír Konečný, Pavol Varjan
Preliminary communication

Comparing “Light Dues” in the Northern Adriatic Ports (page 40-48)

Vittorio A. Torbianelli, Marina Zanne, Bojan Hlača, Fabrizio Borgogna
Review article

Green Logistics: A System of Methods and Instruments - Part 2 (page 49-55)

Aleksandr Rakhmangulov, Aleksander Sladkowski, Nikita Osintsev, Dmitri Muravev
Review article

Big Data in the Maritime Industry (page 56-62)

Maris Mirović, Mario Miličević, Ines Obradović
Review article

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