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  • Publication date: 21.06.2018.
  • Published on HRČAK: 20.06.2018.

Table of contents

Full text

An empirical study of customer usage and satisfaction with e-banking services in the Republic of Macedonia (page 1-13)

Meri Boshkoska, Kosta Sotiroski
Original scientific paper

The Croatian banking system total assets concentration dynamics: performing a variety of inequality measures (page 14-26)

Adela Delalić, Maja Čurković, Josipa Antić
Original scientific paper

Information and communication technologies and teacher education in the new paradigms of higher education (page 27-41)

Mirella Müller, Ines Begović, Ralf Baumgärtner
Original scientific paper

Purchasing power parity in ASEAN+3: an application of panel unit root tests (page 42-52)

Darja Boršič, Jani Bekő
Original scientific paper

Process of ranking countries by level of development (page 53-61)

Željko V. Račić
Original scientific paper

Testing the validity of the Linder hypothesis for Croatia (page 62-73)

Hrvoje Jošić, Matej Metelko
Original scientific paper

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