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  • Publication date: 31.12.2019.
  • Published on HRČAK: 31.12.2019.

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Full text

Perception of invulnerability, engaging in risky behaviors and life satisfaction among high school students

Marija Milić, Ružica-Marija Vlajčić, Valerija Križanić
Original scientific paper

Perception of invulnerability, engaging in risky behaviors and life satisfaction among high school students (page 177-203)

Marija Milić, Ružica-Marija Vlajčić, Valerija Križanić
Original scientific paper

Prison Farm Inmates’ Reformation and Rehabilitation: the Nigerian Experience (page 204-220)

Irenonsen Oyaimare Uddin, Edwin Mbadiwe Igbokwe, Michael Olatunji Olaolu
Preliminary communication

Real or False Image of Police Recorded Crime: What Do the Crime Data Show? (page 221-234)

Vesna Stefanovska
Review article

Treatment approaches for Internet addiction (page 235-255)

Sabina Mandić, Dora Dodig Hundrić, Neven Ricijaš
Review article

Preventing Emotional Abuse in High Conflict Parental Divorce: Case Study of Croatia (page 256-274)

Mia Roje Đapić, Gordana Buljan Flander
Review article

Application of the fractal pattern drawing method in socio-pedagogical work (page 275-314)

Valentina Hundrić
Professional paper

BOOK REVIEW: Internet Addiction

Sabina Mandić

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