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  • Publication date: 31.08.2019.
  • Published on HRČAK: 29.05.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

Table of contents (page VII-0)


Preface (page XI-0)

Wolfgang Mieder


Wolfgang Mieder
In memoriam, Obituary

Idoma Proverbial Names as a Vehicle of Expression: A Sociolinguistic View (page 57-74)

Halima Amali, Zainab Ciroma, Amina Bashir
Original scientific paper

Proverbs in SMS Messages: Archaic and Modern Communication (page 93-106)

Liisa Granbom-Herranen
Original scientific paper

“Time’s Up” When Enough is Enough: The Proverbial Voice of Social Change (page 121-134)

Anna Konstantinova
Original scientific paper

Funktionen des Sprichwortes in der Erzähltechnik der Fon-Märchen aus Benin (page 155-164)

Sewanou Lanmadousselo
Original scientific paper

Unconventional Replies: A Special Type of Phraseme and a Paremiological Genre (page 165-182)

Matej Meterc, Jozef Pallay
Original scientific paper

Truth in Anglo-American Proverbs (page 277-340)

Roumyana Petrova
Original scientific paper

“Words are but Wind”: The Proverbs and Proverbial Expressions of Bob Dylan (page 371-406)

Raymond M. Summerville
Original scientific paper

La mujer del César en la política española en su etapa democrática (page 407-430)

Luis J. Tosina Fernández
Original scientific paper

International Bibliography of New and Reprinted Proverb Collections (page 469-474)

Wolfgang Mieder

International Proverb Scholarship: An Updated Bibliography (page 475-530)

Wolfgang Mieder

Impressum (page 0-0)


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