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  • Publication date: 20.12.2022.
  • Published on HRČAK: 20.12.2022.

Table of contents

Full text

Interconnection of family circumstances and the selection of secondary education (page 4-13)

Snježana Dubovicki, Maja Zorić
Original scientific paper

Factors for readiness of Roma children for the school (page 77-90)

Aleksandra Tonković, Luka Pongračić, Martina Lončar
Preliminary communication

Black(n)adder – Indo – European ancestry of the English language through words (page 92-100)

Ivana Bojčić, Bernard Dukić
Preliminary communication

Ekološka osviještenost učenika srednjih škola (page 102-116)

Sandra Cepić, Ružica Jurčević
Preliminary communication

Ecological awareness among secondary school pupils (page 117-132)

Sandra Cepić, Ružica Jurčević
Preliminary communication

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