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  • Publication date: 05.02.1973.
  • Published on HRČAK: 29.10.2024.

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Vremenski razloženi spektri tečnog rodaminskog lasera (page 17-26)

R. Konjević, J. Jovičić, N. Konjević, Lj. Ćirković
Original scientific paper

Fluorescentne osobine jedinjenja manganohlorida sa dimetilhinolinhidrohloridima (page 27-35)

I. Burić, K. Nikolić
Original scientific paper

Prompt γ-ray spectra from the radiative capture of 14.1 MeV neutrons in Cu, Se, Br, In, and I (page 37-42)

M. Budnar, F. Cvelbar, V. Ivković, A. Perdan, M. Potokar
Original scientific paper

Possible relativistic effect in (p, 2p) reaction on light nuclei (page 43-47)

Z. Marić, V. C. Suslenko
Letter to the Editor

Coaxial, glass flashlamp for organic dye laser (page 49-51)

R. Konjević, N. Konjević
Letter to the Editor

Tuning of dye lasers by the use of Christiansen filters (page 53-55)

Lj. Ćirković, J. Jovičić
Letter to the Editor

Acceleration of negative deuteron ions and beam extraction in a classical cyclotron (page 57-60)

G. Paić, T. Lechpammer, B. Babarović
Letter to the Editor

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