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Građevinar , Vol. 62 No. 08., 2010.

  • Publication date: 07.09.2010.
  • Published on HRČAK: 28.09.2010.

Table of contents

Full text

Selecting an optimum construction technology (page 697-705)

Sašo Kovačec, Andrej Štrukelj, Mirko Pšunder, Rudolf Lončarić, Igor Pšunder
Review article

Engineering-geological and geotechnical properties of flysch formations in Kaštela region (page 707-715)

Davor Pollak, Renato Buljan, Aleksandar Toševski
Preliminary communication

Analysis and design of short reinforced-concrete columns (page 717-722)

Ivan Tomičić
Review article

Riverbed and waterfall improvement at the Pliva River in Jajce (page 723-729)

Zoran Milašinović, Danijela Zovko, Ivana Lukić
Professional paper

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