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What for , Vol. VIII No. 16/17, 2009.

  • Publication date: 17.03.2009.
  • Published on HRČAK: 06.12.2010.

Table of contents

Full text

Kant’s Attempt of Solving the Induction Problem (page 0-0)

Kristian Benić
Professional paper

Mediurge. Media and the Construction of Reality (page 0-0)

Natko Klobučar
Professional paper

The Internet as a Space of Free Social Communication (page 0-0)

Bojan Basrak
Professional paper

What if Androids Really Do Dream of Electric Sheep? (page 0-0)

Lovro Grgić
Professional paper

Jezik, društvo, klasa (page 83-102)

Language, Society, Class (page 0-0)

Aleksandar Joksić
Professional paper

Kriza prikazivanja? (page 105-112)

Winfred Nöth

Pisanje i događaj (page 113-121)

Dieter Mersch

Platon i simulakrum (page 123-135)

Gilles Deleuze

Značenje i mentalizam (page 137-155)

Hilary Putnam

O bitku (page 157-174)

Umberto Eco

O izvjesnosti (Ludwig Wittgenstein) (page 193-201)

Aleksandar Joksić
Case report

Znanost o slici: Discipline, teme, metode (Klaus Sachs-Hombach) (page 207-210)

Marko Kardum
Case report

Humanistically orientated anatomy (page 0-0)

Natko Klobučar
Conference paper

Female Genital Mutilation - ethical view (page 0-0)

Krešimir Babel, Elvina Šehić
Conference paper

Pozitivna fizička aktivnost kao prirodna modifikacija ljudskog tijela (page 241-249)

Igor Eterović, Maja Vukas
Conference paper

What is a cyborg? Ashort conceptual/terminological analysis (page 0-0)

Bojan Basrak
Conference paper

Besmrtnost i etika (page 261-274)

Immortality and ethics (page 0-0)

Ivan Cerovac, Milja Juretić, Helena Moderčin
Conference paper

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